
Is it possible for someone to create a real living Pokemon?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I know they are not real. But would it be possible for someone to create one? If they are able to clone humans and animals why not take it to the next level? Could this ever possibly be able to happen?




  1. Um no I dont think so, they would have to be really really smart to be able to do that

  2. remember yo crazy pills

  3. It's possible but maybe not in mine or your lifetime. Science is advancing fast and people are experimenting with all kinds of life form. But I wouldn't want to live in a world where real Pokemon exists though. It will be hard to choose which on to have! :)

  4. Call me crazy, but they are possibly already real.  I am not 100% sure but a few things happen to make me believe so.  1. There was a bad thunderstorm, and I looked out the window and saw lightning come out of some creature.  It did not get hit by lightning, which I know because I saw it move afterwards.  2. So many people believe it, and insist they saw one that I can't doubt it. 3. My friend who is very much into science, said she made a potion to turn animals into pokemon.  I know it is true because one of my other friends told me she turned his dog into a Mighyena.   If they are not real, I know they will be real some day.  Anyway I am in G&T program, so in the future I may become a scientist and work to create them.

  5. FOR SURE. why not eh?

    my guess is the government has there own little army of pokemon in their basement

  6. who knows possible, once i was walking down a street, there was a loose dog

    it used tackle then bite attack on me


  7. Probably through mutation or cross breeding.

    Yahoo needs more of these questions >_<

  8. a mouse + tape+tazer gun = pikachu

    lizard+flamethrower in mouth = charmander

    tortoise+water hose=squirtle

  9. I believe that because of science today that they will be bringing a lot of things to life (including Pokemon if they were to somehow make their DNA). Even dinosaurs at this rate!

  10. sorry you can't cross dna like that or make up your own, in short Most dna isn;t compatible with other species, but who knows.... I want a dragon so i guess we'll keep dreamin

  11. I believe that.. who knows?

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