
Is it possible for someone to feel.....?

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an emotional attachment to someone that they have never physically met? I mean, to the point of thinking about them all the time and wondering what it would be like if or when you will ever meet face to face?




  1. Sure it is.  But what we feel the attachment to is not the person....we are attached to our IDEA of that person and/or that relationship.  Happens all the time.  

  2. It is possible but seems like a form of escapism with a touch of delusion thrown in.

  3. yes it is...i kno a girl that is a friend of my best friend... (complicated but it makes sence) i'v seen pics of her but i never met her....and im dieing to meet herbut my friend wont help out -.-"

  4. Yes, it is very possible to feel an emotional attachment to someone you've never physically met. Simply because you can't really control your emotions and if you do talk to this person on a daily basis on the phone or computer, you can easily get attached. You don't have to physically be with the person to get attached, because you could fall for someones personality and just think that person would be perfect for you in many ways, and curiosity is the big thing, because you think what-if I was with this person and we were just perfect for each other. I wouldn't say you could do this right away, but if you have really got to know the person and have talked to them for a while it could happen.  

  5. Possible, but weird. I've never experienced such feeling.

  6. Like a crush?  Sure.  I used to have celebrity crushes all the time as a young teen, though I cannot imagine doing something like that now, I suppose some adults may start internet relationships and feel this way.

  7. Oh yes. I do have a very good friend that I have yet to see his face. We call each other on Yahoo and AIM often. It can sometimes feel weird being called by a faceless person, but that eventually goes away.

  8. Yeah definately, i have had the same thing. But when we did meet it was a bit disappoining.  It was better as a dream than in reality.

  9. Yes, I have one now and it is driving me Insane. I connect with this woman on every level. She has no idea I'm feeling this way and it drives me nuts because of so much in common. I'm just going to ride this out and see where it goes. I just lost a wife who suffered a long illness and She lost Her hubby through an accident a long while ago.

  10. Sure. It happens with Internet crushes all the time.

  11. Sure, they say all the right things, exactly what u want to hear, you feel good.  Sounds like ur getting caught up in a fantasy, come back down to earth.

  12. Yes thats how i ended up getting married.. bad internet bad.

  13. Yes. People fall in love all the time over everyday phone conversations and online. I don't know if it's love that your looking for or feeling, but I hope I helped.  

  14. is. It's most certainly the fact that you feel that you may be in a relationship, or could be in one with no problems. And feelings can actually grow stronger before you even meet. It's a strange thing, but the sound of that person's voice may be the first thing you fall in love with.

  15. Kind of exciting I think. That's only me though. What if they are not what you expected? What if they are blind? If you never met, then they are like only half real in your life....right?  

  16. It's a habit of narcissism. Not too out of the ordinary. We invest a person who is unattainable or unknown with all the things we desire (but can't have, are afraid to have, are afraid we can't have, disown in ourselves, etc), and when we contemplate them (the object of desire), it feels so wonderful to think about what it'd be like to come face to face with them. It's a positive feedback loop of rewarding feelings, when imagining that the object of desire is out there in this real person (who we've never met, so we can't disprove that they are what we think they are). We think more and more, and feel happier, until we're convinced we are in love. Basically the same thing as a crush. When you meet face to face there'll be a fracture - between the imagined person and the real person, and how you'll handle it depends on you, but one thing's for sure, you'll find out your attachment wasn't really for that real person.

    Doesn't mean you can't still form an attachment for them, though, if you're open to getting to know who they really are.

  17. yes been there...

  18. Sure.But have your nose fixed first.!

  19. Yes

  20. Sure, many girls have crushes on celebrities to take an example.

  21. Absolutely.  

    But if that person is in a relationship or married it is better not to act on it.   You could lose what you have and he/she may not be worth it.  

    Why risk it ?

  22. Of course it is!  I met my husband online and we talked without physically meeting for 4 months and formed an amazing bond.  When we did finally meet it felt like we'd known each other forever!  We've been married almost 10 years now :)

    And think too about all the women who wrote to soldiers in WWI & II just because some of these fighting men had no one to write to them...many of them fell in love through their letters and married after the war.

    The written word is a powerful thing!

  23. belive me it is

  24. I sort of experienced that before.. like I would have dreams about the same guy (a guy I didn't know) and became really close to me in my dream. I don't know if this helps or not, but it sounds similar to me!

  25. Definitely!

  26. of course. However, if this person you've only talked to on phone/online they could be claiming to be someone else. Hope not though

    GOod luck!

  27. Umm How could you think that when you don't know the person?

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