
Is it possible for someone to get into a high level of figure skating after a whole year?

by Guest21499  |  earlier

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Let's say this girl started Figure Skating in 2006 but in 2007 she got really good(like juvenile or something), do you think it could happen? I




  1. Of course it is possible.  Depends on her natural talents, genetics and very importantly how good is the ice and how good is her coach!

  2. yea i guess it could be possible if they practiced every day for a fewe hours...they would have to test alot and practice alot but i think it could be possible

  3. yeh, for juvenile all you need is a somewhat clean axel. and some people just get their axels easily

  4. Well, I'd say that unless his girl did recreative skating (or at least a good amount of gymnastics) before entering the sport, I don't see her landing clean doubles and flying camels.

    I don't say it isn't impossible. I've seen tons of hockey guys attempt Axels and technically land them, but without any proper training in the sport the jump looks hideous.

    However, skating isn't all about landing the Quad Axel, there's hundreds of figures to master in all sorts of complex patterns and positions. Simply getting to a flying camel is a titanic task in so little time.

    First you need to do a two foot spin, then a one foot scratch spin, then the camel spin which takes forever to learn unless you're a sack of meat-muscle, then the standing back spin, then the back camel spin which took me over 5 years to learn and finally you need to learn the jumping components of the flying camel whch would need you to be able to do at least some of the 1 revolution jumps cleanly to keep you from falling or at least landing the flying camel, but with no spinning when you land.

    Unless you're just immensely talented and lucky, I can't see a normal person attaining all of those steps in so little time. And not just that, even when there's a few 7 year olds that get to the first doubles when they turn 9, they still look like newbies skating.

    Newbies just skate sloppy and you can't rub it off unless you practise; but most specifically practise edge control and proper body positioning which hockey skaters find to be the most boring thing ever about the sport, so they never learn 'em and keep on doing crappy but fully rotated single Axels.

    It's just too much work to be attained in so little time. I can see a skater starting on a sloppy single Axel and doing half decent back spins in 1 year, but not enough to pass the Juvenile test unless they really want to be last place in competition.

  5. defintly possible, chalk it up to practice. the more u practice thebetter u get. One girl at a rink that i knwo personally whre i skate she started 1 yr agoa nd is competing pre juvenile. i started 3 yrs ago and am pre jvenile so...practice. i wrk hard to..

  6. Anything is possible. But it ALL depends on how often she practices, how long she practices, how many lessons she has, and how determined she is.  I know this one girl who started skating when she was like 5, and is now 13, and all she can do is a waltz jump and a scratch spin. But on the other hand, i've known this other girl who started when they were 9, and is now 11, and is landing her double jumps! So, like i said, it all depends on how much that girl wants to get "good" and the amount of practicing/lessons. So, yes, it is possible.

  7. I have seen two skaters go from nothing to intermediate in slightly over a year. Each of them was already an athlete, one in gymnastics (great balance and power), one in ballet (balance, rhythm, line). They also worked their buns off on ice, after starting up.

    The hardest part for most newbies is simply skating beautifully - not the tricks, but flowing quickly and noiselessly over the ice.

  8. I highly doubt it. I know skaters that compete in nationals, Four Continents, and Regionals (all students of my daughters former coachs students, including a former Intermediate Ladies National Champion) and they all skate 4 + hours a day. No one went from first stepping on the ice to landing everything up to a double lutz in one year. No one. You have to learn perfect stroking first, then you need to know your spins, and they have levels now, so you need combo spins,. you have to have a workout program, and a good stretching program. You have to learn all of your single jumps before the single axel, and the average time it takes to land an axel is one year. Thats an average. I have seen some girls get it in a few weeks, and other still trying after two years. Now, all these jumps have to be clean jumps, not cheated. After that you start on doubles, and then go to double axel. The double axel takes an average of 2 years to learn.

    I wrote this because it is unrealistic to think that someone can step one foot on the ice one day and one year later win a Juvenile figure skating competition or something like that. Most people do not even have an axel after skating one year. Nothing is competely impossible, but this is not the norm and is highly unlikely.

  9. unlikely,

    unless she has TONS of natrual ability.

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