
Is it possible for someone to have a wolf as a pet?

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baby wolf,breed it until it grows




  1. I have a wolf dog and he is 93% wolf and is legal in my state. Great and perfect pets!

    He is my second and as sweet as the first guy. My Cody is 8 months and 115lbs, he should be 150 to 170 full grown. He gets along with my cats and turtles and loves to sit and watch my fish tanks! Thee most intelligent animals.

    google your state and laws know right now about the delisting of wolves and that they are gunned down by planes and ran into exhaustion and killed in. In certin states if you are suspected of owning a wolf it can be shot on site dog collar or not.

    Its not wise to raise and then just drop off in the mountains..he would be to use to being your pet and loving you fore taking care of him.

    If you have one be careful for so many reasons cause people will turn you in ,  in a heart beat!

  2. If it needed help when you got it yes. If you stole it from it's pack No. Also if it wanted to follow you Yes.

    I want one!!!!!

  3. ..I think theirs laws against that. lol. Well wolves are not normally demosticated and where would you get a baby wolf?

    if you do happen to find one than their would be no problem in taking care of it, but you wouldn't...shouldn't keep it.

    Possibly a zoo or wild

  4. there are alot of ALMOST pure breed wolf -dog breeds out there. meaning they are like 90% wolf and 10% dog for example.

    My cousin has one female like that and well since they are mostly wolf she is very wild. Shes a great dog but he can't leave her alone for too long cuz shes so destructive, their wild instincts really kick in so if you want one be prepared. They are alot of work.

  5. having a wild animal as a pet is horrible and wrong! they aren't supposed to be domesticated, hence "wild" duh . besides most people think that wild animals are exactly the same as domesticated ones. NOT TRUE!!!! you think they're so cute and cuddley when they're young but when they get bigger and become the wild animals they are SUPPOSED to be you toss them aside like garbage so they get euthanized because they never got to be the wild animals they are. they didn't even get a chance. and it IS illegal!

  6. I don't think you can own a purebred wolf but in some countries/states you can own wolf hybrids.

  7. Depends upon the laws of your state. Wolves don't make good pets though. Get  a dog instead.

  8. i love wolves but living in australia i havent even seen a real one so get a husky im sorry u cant get one

  9. yep it is totally possible. my friend's dad caught a baby wolf and they kept it for 14 years and it was the most sweetest dog ever. and it died last year but it was never aggressive even if you  brought another dog around. they never had any problems with him. but they get huge! they are like giant cuddly stuffed animals :D

  10. Yes it is we had one when I was a little girl, he was 3/4 black timber wolf and 1/4 Siberian Husky. he was a very good dog, but they can get aggressive with other people they protect their owners.

  11. Im not sure if its legal in your state but you can get Huskys or Blue Heelers

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