
Is it possible for someone to recover from bulimia after 10 months by themselves??

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Im 16 and I DON'T want my parents to know!!! And I'm to embarrised to ask anyone for help. I just really want to stop this!! Its ruining my life!!




  1. I've recently recovered from some seriously disordered eating (it was never diagnosed as an eating disorder) with a mixture of eating about 300 calories a day and binge/purging a couple times a week. I'm now eating a healthy diet. So I sort of know what you're going through.

    I would call a hotline or go here:

    They can refer you to a therapist, and I think you could probably avoid having to inform your parents. Also, if you're in school, you can talk to a guidance counselor and they have a privacy agreement.

    I was able to recover with no therapy, but my disorder was quite mild and only lasting about 4 months, so you may need extra help.

    Good luck!

  2. Hey, I know what ur going through! My name is Rachel and I have been dealing with this disease for almost 16 yrs. I even have a5 yr old son. You CANNOT go through this alone , if u think u can(like I did ) you're going to fail. I'm Not trying to be mean, but honest!!!! I still throw up almost everyday, no matter what I eat. I was at  a healthy weight, but something triggered me to go back. I wa salso anorexic, my lowest 94 5'8 don't forget!! Honey most of this is just cause I wanted control....In my relationships ...I was ignored(my Son's father I was with5 years) my recent ex that beat me til I was unrecognizable....and finally....I saw what it did to me....I throw up blood, always tired teeth are horrible..and I don't want a relationship...with ANYONE!!! think about all of that hun! I wish u ALL of the luxck in the world...BUT GET HELP.....PLEASE!!!!

  3. of course you can!!!! with a lot of will power and love for's really good that you recognize you have a problem and youre destroying your body...that's the hardest, you just have to know that even though you've harmed your body, you can recover...just start eating normally, step by step...everytime you think of going to the bathroom again, remember how you feel right now after so much time doing that...find a hobby and distract yourself...the less time you think about throwing up the food, the easier it will be for those thoughts to go away...have faith in yourself!

  4. Absolutely!

    With the right intentions, persistence, diligence, yes.

  5. I have bulimia. I hate it but like it sometimes. I know how you're probably feeling about it, but do this. Tell 1 person that's REALLY REALLY close to you that is not related and you can trust to not say anything, this is a good way of knowing that the person is always watching you and can motivate you to purge/ binge less often.

    Think about your feelings and what really triggers the episodes.

    Don't count calories, hard but trust me this helps alot

    switch to mostly fruits and vegetables and I drink a cup of fat free hot cocoa once or twice a day to ease my sweet tooth.

    Take melatonin and vitamin B supplements (6 and 12 are best)


    Avoid the scale like a plague!

    Drink LOTS of water and diet soda to help with hunger and the sweet tooth.

    Do not buy laxatives and if you use a toothbrush to purge throw it away

    wear tight tanks under your clothes so that when you eat they won't stretch and keep you in check.

    Eat a small thing like neg. cal. foods every 2 hours DO NOT FAST!!!

    When you eat stay around other people and be in the way so you know that they'll notice you leaving.

    Hope this helps I'm 17 and am trying to kick this habit as well, These are the tricks that have so far helped me, when i frgt to do these things though i s***w up so try to keep in check with yourself

    GOOD LUCK!  

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