
Is it possible for someone to resent their own gender counterparts?

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Ok, is it possible for a girl to hate other girls more than guys, vice versa? How often do you hear that? A girl would rather hang with guys then girls. How often do you see that?

Me, I don't like men or women. I don't like anyone. To me, guys are jockers, hucksters, and players. And girls are way too dramatic, emotionally unstable, trip over petty things, and are just evil. This is from my opinion.

So do most girls hate their own gender counterparts and would rather hang with the guys, vice versa?




  1. I don't really hate anybody.  Hate is too strong of a word.  But, there are things about some people that I dislike (men and women alike).  And, if I do dislike the way somebody acts, is, etc., or do not agree with what their beliefs are, I simply just do not interact with them.  I like to surround myself with people who are respectful, decent human beings - it usually does not have anything to do with what gender or ethnicity they are.  I have a nice mix of male and female friends, and like it that way.

  2. Haha, well, I guess I'm like you. I tend to not get along very well with typically girly girls, or typically macho guys. I do like specific individuals, however... usually these are the people who have somehow managed to avoid being all of the things I hate about the way their s*x 'stereotypically' is.

    If I had to guess, I'd say that girls who say they hate other women and would rather hang with guys, probably hate certain qualities that women stereotypically display. (Drama queen tendencies, emotional instability, etc.) Obviously they don't hate all girls, otherwise they'd hate themselves. As for why they are more willing to overlook flaws in men, maybe it has something to do with which s*x they find physically attractive.

  3. you are pretty much doomed to live a very lonely life.

  4. I prefer to hang out with guys more than girls, I can tell you why though. Growing up, I was an only child, and all but one of my cousins were boys (the oldest was the girl, so we never really hung out). We did a lot of family events growing up, so I got used to playing with the boys (never cared for dolls, loved to play wrestling games on n64 and playstation, and more 'boys' stuff). My first house, where I lived 'till I was about 8, was right off of a highway, and there was only one neighbor close to me. My neighbors had all boys, their youngest being my first non-family friend, and remaining my best friend up until I moved. When I moved, the first friend I made was a boy, and he introduced me to his friends. Coming from a 'country' school into a city school was so different, I had a hard time making friends with girls, but I did it.

    As I got older things have evened out, but I am still closer to guys, and prefer to hang out with guys than girls. I feel more comfortable and myself around them. I am now happily married, and whenever we have the chance we go out and do things with his best friend (whom is a guy).

  5. I don't like hanging out with girls unless they are chill and easy going. I am generally the only girl in a group of guys, men are great, less hassle and they have a better way of working things out...

    I don't hang w/ chicks because I HATE HATE HATE F****** HATE B* I* T* C* H* S* !!! Which I feel like most women are, bla... and your list of girls being so on... is all the other numerous reasons I don't spend time w/ my own s*x!

    Also that whole "feminist" movement, I can understand it in the 1920s but Pu LEASE... I think men and women are NOT equal, we are DIFFERENT, men are better at certain things than women and visa versa, but you can't have one w/o the other, we balance each other out... like yin and yang everything is a balance.

  6. Of course it's possible. I resent my fiancee's previous boyfriends whose behavior resulted in her not trusting me as much as she wishes she had from the start. I resent guys who cheat and abuse, causing women to assume that all men are a******s.

    There are men who get along better with women, and women who get along better with men.

  7. I suppose it's possible, but that's a generalization. Not all women are the same, and not all guys are the same.

  8. Yes. I know lots of girls that can't stand girls because they are "too dramatic, emotionally unstable, trip over petty things, and are just evil" but then she overlooks that all the guys she hangs out with just want a piece.

  9. I've noticed the girls who claim that they don't like other girls are usually the source of their own misery because they're indeed the one who creates all the drama. I've also noticed these are the girls who think men will find it attractive if they denounce other women and act like "one of the guys."

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