
Is it possible for someone to start college at 40?

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i never went to college but i did graduate from high school and basically i'm sick of working in sweat shops for c**p pay. my only problem is i'm 40 yrs old and not sure if i would get accepted.

what says you?




  1. Go for it!  

    It doesn't/shouldn't matter how old you are.

  2. It's possible to get several loans for college.  I attended college, attained an Associates Degree at 47.  Total cost of 2 years of college is at 20k now due to forebearance due to Katrina and consolidating student loans twice.  I attended college to get a degree to use to obtain a better employment stance.  Unfortunately, while i was the only graduate in my class due to drop outs, there was nil in job offers due to my age.  Employers do not tell you that is the reason because that would be age discrimination.  Now I must repay the loans and look at a piece of paper that represents 20k.  Age is no guarantee of job placement, although my work ethic is briliant.  I caution against committing to a field of study where employment opportunities are too popular among younger applicants, such as mine, computer networking.  I achieved my personal goals of earning a college degree, but lost a lifetime goal of long term employment.  I do not care to risk more money on a lost cause by attainig a BS or BA.

  3. My Father was a college professor for many years and he always had people in their 40's, 50's and even 60's entering his classroom. The best bet would be to search out a community/junior college in your area. Many of them have an open door admissions policy and you will have the greatest success there of finding courses that fit into your schedule. Another bonus to starting that way is that you can get an associates degree and transfer to a 4 year institution or you can simply do some work study and get a degree or certificate that will help you get better pay or a promotion at your work.  Best of luck to you and congrats of making a great choice.

  4. ABSOLUTELY! and good for you!!

  5. Rememeber you are never to old to go to college. I have been in off/on since H.S. received an Associates, Bachelor's and recently received my Masters and starting in June will be attending another college to get a Ph.D. Just be focused and apply and you will be on your way to academic success. I am 40. Probably will be attending school until I am 60 to obtain a real job.

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