
Is it possible for someone with a negative outlook on things in general to change and become a happier person?

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There are some people that are good people but generally "glass half empty" kind of people. Most of us probably know someone like this to a degree. Are there things other people can do to help them and if so what are some of the best ways.

Any recommended books, thoughts, etc are welcome. I'm looking for some new ideas to use on someone. The plain basics haven't worked. By that I mean, being very positive towards this person myself, trying to point out the things to be positive about, etc.




  1. Sometimes it helps to challenge the person to get up every morning and "count their blessings", in other words make a list of all the things they have to be thankful for.

    (Example: in my case, I have a home for shelter, food to eat every day (not going hungry), plenty of clean water to drink, a family who love and support me, lots of close friends/extended family, a great church family, a precious daughter, a loving/caring husband who helps me so much (I have been battling a lot of illness the last few years and he has been there 150%).  My Mom is still with us at 87 years old and in good health, My brother also, at 64 years old and in improving health.  I have a car to get around in for grocery shopping, and running errands, etc.  I live in a great community with wonderful neighbors.  I recently had a good diagnosis so I'm feeling much better about my life, and things are looking up!!

    ETC ~ ETC ~ ETC

    You start doing that every day for a few days and you can't help but see how blessed you are.

    Good resource material:

    A good book is "31 Days of Praise" by Ruth Meyer.  Also, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and It's All Small Stuff" - can't remember author.

    Great movies that have a good moral compass.

    Facing the Giants

    Flywheel (made by the same folks who made Facing the Giants)

    TV: Joyce Meyer show, Creflo Dollar show, pretty much anything on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) or ISPN (Inspiration Network), 700 Club, Hillsong Church program (live from Australia). The Dino (Kartzenakis) show, the Homecoming programs that the Gaither's put on, anything from BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn.) and anything from Carmen - his DVDs, and Cd's are great!

    Hope that helps!

  2.   Yes it's  possible, but it won't happen overnight . The people who really want to change their outlooks will have to try to be as loyal to the change as they can . It could be as easy as 123 or it could take years. I did it in 35yrs. but dont get discouraged just try.

  3. Your are not the persons "keeper."  The only way this person will or can change is for he/she to take action on thyself.  Obviously, there is a lot of baggage being dragged around by this person more than likely beginning at childhood.  Do not go down the co-dependent path on this issue.  It is not your responsibility.  

  4. I know what you are talking about - I know people like that too.

    Of course, you know you can never change anyone, but yourself. You have tried out some things with this person and it did not change him/her.

    I think you should change your behavior with this person. Whenever, you feel this person is being too negative and it's getting on your nerves, well say so - I don't mean in a rude, nasty way, but in a direct, assertive way. Or say you're tired of hearing about the same sad story, so change the subject. In other words, no longer put up with it and you will be surprised when we won't put up with something, how fast the situation/dynamic changes - try it - it does work.

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