
Is it possible for spirits to protect those whom they share a dwelling with?

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Wushuboy, yes, you most certainly be harmed by ghosts or spirits. Check it out, there are documented articals & proof of some injuries.




  1. There are quite a few takes on this. The consensus says yes,

    but I'm not sure.

    If a spirit could protect you then maybe it could protect only from negative energies or spirits.

    I don't believe one would manifest to scare away a burglar.

    If one was to warn you it too can be argued it was your mind warning you.

    I do not believe there is any true way for us to know except for personal experiences, and beliefs.

  2. I would answer this but my extensive knowledge and education, about spirits might irritate Nuff as did my knowledge about Native American Nations and their many various spiritual practices including burial learned from my great grandmother that grew up on the Comanche reservation AND my university level courses of Native American cultural and spiritual practices.

    I guess some of us worked to gain information while others believe your biology makes you more informed than learning.

    Thanks for the 2 points.


  3. I have to say yes.

    After therapy for my cancer, my energy level was so low. I did, one day, felt a burst of energy. I lit a couple of candle, put a pot of pot pourie on the stove, started to straighten up the house. All at once, I hit that brick wall low and had to lay down.

    I laid down on the sofa, went into a deep sleep. The next thing I knew, I heard heavy footsteps coming down my hall. Then I felt someone standing in my doorway. I heard a male voice calling me by name, saying get up. My thoughts were I'm to tired. Then he became very demanding & yelled, "Get up now!"

    I opened my eyes looked at the doorway, saw the outline of a tall man. I arose from the sofa, went into the hall, looked down to my bedroom. On my dresser, where I had lit a candle, it was near the end & the flame was very high. The windows were opened, the breeze blew a piece of paper very close to the flame. If the flame had tilted a little bit more, the paper would of went up in flames.

    With out that spirit demanding me to get up. My home would of burned down. I do not doubt that for a mil of a second.

  4. First we should consider if the spirits are the ones guiding us, and help protect us, whom we call our spirit guides or guardian angels..and they will be with us all the time, no matter where we are....

    Then there are the ones that do haunt a particular dwelling, and will be there with who ever lives there..And yes ive read some interesting stories / experiences from people that have moved into a place and were protected by the spirit that was known to haunt the place....

    One interesting experience was (cut a long story short) A woman, her husband had died and left her a little money from his insurance or something..She had cut herself off from her friends and all that. Then she decided to move to another town, and rented a house there, to start her life again., and got a local job there. A man came along and swept her off her feet, they talked, and had a couple of dates, and dinner at her place.. (cannt think of the exact details) but she got a few phone calls from an old woman, that said something to her, and i think she saw her apparition outside in the garden, which shocked her. This made her contact her land lord, and ask him who lived there before, and straight away he knew what she was talking about. The ghost of the lady who used to own the place many years ago.. He told her, that her ghost is always there at the house, and had appeared to many people who had lived there.. It turned out, she got a warning about the man that she had begun dating. He had heard about her, and the money that was left to her, he was scamming her all along. After that she didnt mind sharing the house with her house guest.... (Sorry i couldnt remember every little detail,).. But that was the main story line, of her experience....

  5. Just my opinion, but I believe sometimes they might, depending on a lot of other imponderables.

  6. Yes, some spirits choose to protect someone they feel is being harmed. They can react to that persons emotions and help to protect them.

  7. Are you forgetting St. Christopher?? (I know...they took him off the list of saints...but I still count on him) As a Catholic (from the "olden church")...we always believed and counted on the protection and help of the saints.  It was better for me when I totally believed this.

    Also...a lady today told me that she thinks the spirit/ghost in the house she lived in helped her get to her daughter before she fell out the window. (She might not have fallen...but she might have.)

    Edit..Like time one woke me up when my alarm didn't go off..I was going to be late for church. Called me by my nickname..LOUDLY!(unless my dogs were able to do one else in the house)

  8. there are some great answers on this one. Hard to choose for sure. good question.

  9. I would imagine not.

    Think about this, if they could protect you, they could also harm you. There are so few cases of anyone getting harmed, and those cases that exist are questionable.

    How the heck are they going to protect you? I guess if you set up a tape recorder, they could warn you about a fire or something, but it would be too late by the time you got the message.

  10. I believe so.  Spirits show up in different  forms for different situations.  I have a great example.  Hawks, in particular red hawks, have been guides to me most of my life.  When we were looking for a new place to buy my wife asked me to look at this piece of land she had found, an old farm in really bad shape.  As we were walking around a red hawk flew low over me and doped a feather in front of me, I just reached out and picked it out of the air in front of me.  I knew this was a sign and that this was where we belonged.  A few months went buy and the day we were to sign papers on the place we went back to have one last look.  A hawk flew over again and dropped another feather in front of me.  My wife was shocked that this happened twice.  We new it was the right thing to buy this place.  We love it here.  I know that I have spirits helping me, I try to follow them, they are never wrong.

  11. I would imagine so.

  12. I think if a spirit accepts the new occupant of a home, there can be some protection involved. There would be greater urgency to manifest if there were a dangerous situation.

  13. in short, yes, it is. Love doesn't die, it's eternal. I have several spirit guides and guardian angels here with me all the time, plus several spirits "friends"....all whom protect me. :)

    Peace and love

  14. anithig is posible

    but soem things are unliekly

    sure spirtis can protect the dwelers

  15. Sure! I often catch a BRIGHT blue orb around my sons bed and when i continue to snap the pics, it moves out into the hall, but never strays far from my sons doorway. I believe it is watching over him while he sleeps. And I think if needed, they could manifest to create some sort of damage control in a dangerous situation.

  16. Yes. I once was about to oversleep when the spirit girl who resided here and there in my house, stood by my bed and said "wake up, wake up". It was the only time I heard her address me. I had not seen her with my own two eyes, but rather with my minds eye, My daughter saw her all of the time and described her accurately down to the last detail.  I feel that if she could tell me to wake up, she would tell me if there were real danger as well.

  17. it may be possible

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