
Is it possible for stealing to just be 'in you blood'?

by  |  earlier

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Not directly stealing.. analising stuff and being 'sneaky' i suppose;

Like when i was 5 i walked into a shop and took note of the cams, then i went round to the pen section and found the pen i really wanted, at that age i thought it may set the alarm off so i took a little detour around the de-shop-lifting thing on the way out.

its just it seems so...natural to me, and i only just realised it and i started thinking back about when i ...'borrowed' that sword and when i...'got into' the classroom at night when i was in P4 to get me sharpener back...




  1. No, it isn't possible for stealing to be in your blood.

    I shoplifted some makeup once as a teenager.  I was caught and I felt terrible.  I wasn't punished severely but I realized that what I had done was stupid.  It never happened again.

    Stealing little things is no big deal when you're a child, provided that they are not valuable to anyone.  Children should be taught, however, that there are consequences to certain actions.  But kleptomania is serious.  The principles of right and wrong apply in this case.  Stealing a few little things in childhood doesn't mean you will grow up to be a criminal, but you should analyze your actions.  

    If you learned to steal and be sneaky by observing others do it, then you are a product of your environment.  There is still no excuse if you repeatedly steal.  I'm proud to say that besides the makeup incident many years ago, I've never stolen anything.  I would never steal money or anything else.  It isn't worth it.  You need to be aware that stealing could become a real problem if you continue.

  2. Humans are instinctive predators.

    Humans can also recognize their instincts and choose to modify their own behavior.

    Sneakiness and stealing just comes naturally to humans, an instinct,  but as a society, we have decided it is not one which we should allow, so we have developed a system for punishing thieves.

    If you are going to continue to steal, you need to develop the survival technique of not going on the internet and confessing.

    If you want to disrupt your instinct and develop the ability to not steal, it might be good of you to make your confession to those from whom you have stolen, make amends or recompense for your crimes, and thereby stop thinking of yourself as a thief.

    The same thought processes and instincts you use for theft can be used for the public good, and to build a better world.

    Your choice entirely.

  3. Stealing is stealing no matter what you call it and it is all bad whether it be a pen pencil or anything else you didn't pay for. If stealing, which is against the law, seems natural to you then you need to get professional help as soon as possible because you will spend time in prison if you don't stop this natural habit right now. Once you pass 18, you're eligible for prison and right now at your age you are eligible for juvenile hall, a place you really do not want to go to.

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