
Is it possible for the happiness of a society to be measured?

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There are "studies" on the happiest countries in the world that rank countries by their happiness. Is it possible to measure something that is subjective? Can a survey that bases happiness on two questions:“Taking all things together, would you say you are happy, rather happy, not very happy, not at all happy?” and “All things considered how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?” be taken seriously?




  1. Hi Friend,

      Are u going to take a survey?. Then these two questions would be good for 60%. Both questions would make one think of his own life. But its the overall society that matters. The following questions would add upto 90%,

    1. R U happy with the government and its divisions?

    2. R U happy with the neighbours?

    3. R U happy with the people in ur city?

        If U need to addup to 100% results, then U have to look at the faces for brightness. Else, U may find it with the speed they answer these questions. Happiest person will do things faster and better....

  2. Yes one can measured properly but a difficult task. One thing is true in life, it is consisdered the person having money would be happy.

    But in fact all rich people ask more and more from the GOD despite having much much than the so many other people. You must have heard the story of King Midas.

    The real happiness lies in the eternal peace and salvation. But no one likes to leave all reaches one possess. Even Gods are not exceptions. Take the case of all temples, more particularly of ' SAIN BABA'. He himself lived like a down troden a poor saint, use to wear a torn dhoti, begged for bread for him and for others. The rich people who claim that they have become rich because of Baba offer Gold Crown, Gold Chair, Pure Silk Scarff embroided with Gold thread. Those ' Moneyed People' are offering riches to the person who had given to them itself.

    Tell me are these people are happy? If yes, then why they are demanding more and more.

    When people are hapy society is automaticaly happy.  

  3. sure why not??

  4. I believe that you are referring to the Denmark survey?  Well, that is a good question.  Personally I think if a society as a majority understands that morality and health are the pillars of life.  The temple that stands upon those pillars is relationships with other people, then they are going inevitably be happier.  All this material we desperately think we need is laughable compared to the ability to go out in one day a create a relationship with another person, the Danes are very good at this! : )  

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