
Is it possible for this to happen???????

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is it possible for someone to be like 25 feet tall (sarcastically, really like 6'7") and not know that they are tall?? if it is what is it called, and would it be rude to tell the person that they are tall? this isnt anything serious, just me and my friend being stupid again




  1. How would you not know how tall you are unless you never checked? I mean, they have to know they are really tall they tower over people.

  2. iunno, i guess.

  3. It can be possible regionally. Like for example (disclaimer: please don't take offense of i come off as 'racist' or 'prejudice' or anything, this is not my intent, just using an example)

    i've heard in europe people generally tend to be taller than people in the U.S., thus if their average height (hypothetically) is 6.0 and ours is 5.8, a european foreigner may appear tall to us, but when they were in europe, it just feel like a normal thing for them. Likewise for asians, which have been said to be generally shorter than the average U.S. person. Again, this is just an example using generalizations i've HEARD, not things i generalize myself.

    It wouldn't be rude if you worded it a certain way. If, maybe, you hinted something like "gosh you make me feel so short" in a joking manner or something of that nature, you could probably get your point across without coming off as rude.

  4. Well do you feel short/tall? People usually are comfortable with their height...

    But if he/she thinks they're small that is weird.

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