
Is it possible for twelve-year-old boys to be naturally suicidal?

by  |  earlier

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My brother is twelve and has shown no sign whatsoever of depression, meaning: he isn't sad, introverted, doesn't suffer from insomnia or lack of appetite, feelings of purposelesness etc. He doesn't lack anything materially, my parents are more or less present for him(not to mention he is incredibly spoiled).

The only things that could be wrong with him are his mood swings(he can go from laughing to crying to being incredibly angry in a minute), a mild form of hypochondria(he always thinks there's something wrong with him and invents all sorts of pains but doesn't imagine anything serious, such as incurable diseases) and he lies a lot(I don't think he's a pathological liar though).

These things are not uncommon for a kid his age I think and yet lately he's been talking a great deal and very lightly about how he'd really like to commit suicide(as though it's something fun and normal).

I asked him whether he is sad or anything and he said he isn't, but suicide would be cool, because life sucks.

I didn't take him seriously, of course, until he and some of his friends(who are also twelve) cut themselves with razors about ten times on both arms. Nothing extremely bad happened, because the cuts weren't so deep. Nevertheless, I take it as a very alarming sign and still my parents won't do anything, they think therapy will do nothing but encourage him.

I myself think therapy isn't done the right way, the doctors are too distant, most of the time they do nothing but nod, and if you ask them something, they ask you something else in return.

He doesn't have anything to confess, just somebody I think to make him understand how precios life is.

Please, please, does anybody have any ideas?




  1. Young teens could be just joking around with this issue(what's cool, teen angst, peer pressure stuff), but why take a chance?

    If one of my young sons were to confide in me something along the lines of how cool suicide would be and they also are cutting themselves, I would be very concerned and would make an appointment for him to see a doctor as soon as possible for a professional evaluation.  So, I believe you are wise in being concerned for your brother and wanting to help.

    Therapy isn't the only answer for people suffering from depression/suicidal thoughts. There is also medication and lifestyle changes that can be of beneficial to mental health.

    I think, as a sister, you are very caring and are obviously looking out for your younger brother which is great.  Let your brother know that you care for him alot as a brother and leave the doors of communication open for him, incase he would like to confide to you.

    It would be great also to read up some on depression symptoms-

    There is also youth help lines(links) at the bottom of the link I have provided.  There is sure to be a professional who can help you and your brother further.

  2. No, its not possible for a child to be naturally suicidal.  He hasn't made good choices in the friends he has picked.  The mood you described sounds a bit bi polar to me.  It sounds to me that he is seeking negative attention... by complaining, etc, and I think you hit the nail on the head when you say your parents won't do anything. He is putting out a silent (well ok, not so silent) cry for help. Talk to your parents and tell them its time to smell the coffee. Talk to him if you can, you sound very grounded.   You are a wonderful sibling to care and reach out for help. If you get no results, try a counselor at school who can send him in the right direction on their own, if your parents don't act soon.  My hat is off to you!

  3. I think your brother is waving a big red flag in front of your parents saying HELP ME. Forget about all this guesses for a diagnosis you're getting in response to your question. No matter what it's called his life could  very well be at stake. Do your parents have any idea how many really young people do commit suicide and that in most cases it takes everyone by surprise because the child hid their feelings. Your brother is at least making an attempt to communicate but it's ridiculous to expect a 12 year old to be articulate about feelings he doesn't think are norman. Maybe you can get some info off the internet about childhood suicide for your parents to read. If that doesn't do it please tell someone else like a teacher, family member, minister. Your parents are playing with fire and I applaud you for your courage in trying to help your brother when you seem to be the only one concerned.

  4. Well i used to cut myself do people would notice me more and i hated the way i look. Maybe he hated the way he looks or jsut wants mroe attention or somethign happend to him that u dotn knwo about and thoerpy doesnt work there annyoing

  5. (i am 13) i was like this in december until my mom started crying and was begging me not to. i was like this b/c my brother died and i felt like is was the only way that i could be with him forever. help ur brother realize how many ppl love him and would be rlly sad. help him realize all he has ahead of him. Also let him know that watever suicide method he chooses that there r severe risks if it doesn't work than he will have to live like that the rest of his life(liver failure, parilization, ect.).  

  6. It isn't possible for anyone to be naturally suicidal....this is not normal.

    Some (mental) health conditions make people prone to suicide

    Your brother needs a mental health evaluation - and I would take someone seriously who threatens to commit suicide.  It sounds like your brother has a personality disorder - possibly Borderline mixed with hypochondria.  Or he could be Bi-polar.  Also check for alcohol and/or drug use

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