
Is it possible for two fertile people to not be able to have a child together?

by Guest56970  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I have children with other people so we know we are both capable. But we have been trying for eight years to have a child together and I never get pregnant no matter how many times we try. Is it possible that we just cant or is there hope




  1. I read somewhere that a woman's immune system can recognise the man's sperm as foreign and start attacking them. look up sperm allergy also. there is also a chance that you have developed a hormone imbalance, look up pcos. how many years ago did you have your children?  

  2. To be honest, I can't imagine why he cannot get you pregnant if you know you both are fertile.  The only thing I can recommend:  practice makes perfect  ^_^    

  3. How old are you?

  4. well another thing, is your tubes blocked? you can still be fertile even though your tubes are blocked, i would go and see an obgyn

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