
Is it possible for us to Destroy our Planet and cause our own extinction?

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Is it possible for us to Destroy our Planet and cause our own extinction?




  1. nope

  2. the answerers are right, with nuclear weapons and other weapons for mass destruction, we can easily destroy our planet in an instant. in fact, there are thousands of nuclear weapons from US and Russia that is ready to deploy and those nukes could reach all countries. and add also the things we do like pollution and add natural disasters as well.


  3. mankind is already in the process of destroying our planet, our extinctions is in the near future may not for us to see but for future mankind to see the outcome.

  4. Yes, because of  using CFC products, pollution and destroying the environment .

    Absolutely. So far humanity has developed three methods which would each be effective: 1) nuclear weapons 2) biological weapons 3) environmental degradation Now--to be fair--it's not certain they would be completely successful. Each would cause the complete collapse and destruction of our civilization if implemented on a large scale. But in each case, that collapse might come before the implementation process was complete--so there might be some survivors who could rebuild after a few centuries or millenia. But stick around. Since the third method (environmental degradation) is currently being put into practice on an increasingly large scale, we may succeed in destroying ourselves (or our civilization, at least) in the near future. So you may live to see a definitive answer to your question--or not, if the answer is yes.

  5. Absolutely.  So far humanity has developed three methods which would each be effective:

    1) nuclear weapons

    2) biological weapons

    3) environmental degradation

    Now--to be fair--it's not certain they would be completely successful. Each would cause the complete collapse and destruction of our civilization if implemented on a large scale. But in each case, that collapse might come before the implementation process was complete--so there might be some survivors who could rebuild after a few centuries or millenia.  

    But stick around. Since the third method (environmental degradation) is currently being put into practice on an increasingly large scale, we may succeed in destroying ourselves (or our civilization, at least) in the near future.  So you may live to see a definitive answer to your question--or not, if the answer is yes.

  6. Nukes, Anti-Matter, Power grid fails, depletion of resources. with more complex tech being made the possiblty is greater.

    The Earths and solar system natural forces will finish us before we do. or maybe not.

  7. yeah its very possible.

    were running ourselves into the ground.

    but to most people all that matters is power

    so there willing to die for it.

  8. Were working on it daily.

  9. I assume you mean destroy life as we know it.....well guess what....we're doing it!!

  10. Yes, the dinosaurs brought about their own extinction by messing around with comets so anything is possible.

    Seriously, I wonder sometimes if it's harder for some people to accept good news than bad. The good news is, in the US since the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act, both have improved dramatically. When I was a child you couldn't even drink tap water in many places, now that's barely a memory. Rivers were unsafe, lakes had signs with skulls & crossbones on them. You never see that now unless there's been an accident. The water that was so bad is now clean and safe to drink, safe to swim in.

    The air has improved a lot, too, cars emit far fewer pollutants and it improves every year even though more cars are on the road. Once we move from fossil fuels to having  a Mr. Fusion on our cars or a hydrogen fuel cell or something similar, it will improve even more.

    But to listen to some people, we're constantly at a 'tipping point' and about to be wiped out. I've been hearing it my whole life and you know what? Things are better in most ways today than ever in the history of the planet. There are places where that's not true but that's much more of a political problem than anything else. I can't count the number of gloom and doom theories I've heard but it's over a dozen, all predicting our imminent destruction and all were proven wrong. Yet sometimes it's the same prognosticator who comes out with a new theory and for some reason people in the media listen to him.

    Barring nuclear or biological war, there's nothing we can do to end human life here on Earth. Any time nature thinks we've gone too far, it would be easy for some new disease to wipe us out so if you believe in Gaia then you believe that. The rest of us just have to believe the majority of our fellow humans aren't totally selfish idiots no matter what we've been told. If you start to doubt that, just look at the amount of money we give to total strangers by way of charitable contributions.

  11. I don't think we're capable of destroying the planet because it's survived through much worse. I do believe we have the technology to cause our own extinction though.

    An all out nuclear war would alter the climate enough to cause world wide starvation, add that to radiation from fallout and mankind as we know it would be history. It would take hundreds of years for the ecosystem to recover.

  12. Anything is possible

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