
Is it possible for weed not to have an affect on you?

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Is it possible for weed not to have an affect on you?




  1. Of course that's possible.

  2. no that stuff can kill man

    answer this for me;...

  3. Yeah if you don't smoke it -.- Well still actually it can like somebody else smoking weed could affect you

  4. are you asking about smoking marijuana?

    if so, yes

    it all depends on the plant and how much

    THC is the drug in a cannibas plant, and every one is different

    for instance, the concentration of THC in the plant may be high, low, or none.

    so you could smoke it and feel nothing or a lot

    If you mean long term, the effects of marijuana over a long period of time have not been studied, all that is known is that your lungs can be damaged like smoking anything else

  5. Anything and everything you put into your body has some effect on you. When used recreationally, I don't see marijuana being any more dangerous than alcohol - and maybe even less so. However you will do your body harm in the long run.

    While it's missing many of the bad elements of cigarettes, pot still can damage your lungs. Just think of the resin you scrape out of your pipe. If it accumulates in a pipe, do you really think it doesn't accumulate in your lungs - much like the tar in tobacco.

    And while many stoners will boo this response, I have known more than a couple people who have become rather spacey after years of daily pot smoking. Where do you think the stereotype of a pot head comes from.

    If you want to smoke week on a regular basis and risk the long term effects, that's your business. And as long as you aren't out trying to sell to kids, I could care less. But don't kid yourself that pot is harmless.

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