
Is it possible have the lense mostly seperateed from the rest of the camera but still have it connect and work

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is it possible to make a digital camera lense kind of apart from the rest of the camera, but still connected somehow? if it is, how can it be done?




  1. No... The lens focuses the captured light onto the imaging chips (CCD or CMOS) and those are on a circuit board attached to the camera body. If you take the lens off, then the focal point on the imaging chips goes aways, and the imaging chips won't have any image to turn into the video data file that is stored to the camera's tape (or hard drive or whatever storage method it uses.

    BUT, if you have a camcorder that has the AV-in feature (not all do - check the manual), then you could attach a different lens and imaging chip with a helmet cam

    and bypass the camcorder's built-in lens and imaging chip(s).

  2. must be kidding. it's just like making a blind man see.

    But of course, for prosumer digital cameras DLSRs, the lense (assembly) can be changed.

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