
Is it possible i could be bi?

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i have thought i was completely straight until the end of this last school year... i have been finding myself looking at girls a differrent way that i used to... this is really embarassing cuz i have only told 2 pepl one my best friend that i ahve known for most of my life that i think i might b... i have taken a quiz to c if i was and it sed i was... i guess i am just cant face the truth... i am not sure... dont b mean to me... i dont no wut to do... who i shud tell... and who i shudnt... one of my best friends is bi and recently she sed something to me that made it seem she was attracted to me... i was like... realllllly excited... i havent told her i think i mite b bi tho... should i??? i am the most confused person evrrr!!!!! if u say something mean i will report u :P!!!!!




  1. Of course you could be bi.

    it is believed that human beings are inherently bisexual, and that outside influences, such as society, and parents make people think that they are "straight"

  2. Of course you could be BI

  3. sometimes i think that of me a christain  and i know in the bible it says its wrong,  but i still would like to try it... i think of  it alot and im sure you do to...we are both in the same boat..i am married though..and to tell ya honestly i think about being with  women alot more than being with him... yikes! just know that you are not alone,,take care love  cherbear

  4. Honestly ,that also happened to me.

    But looking at girls in different way doesn't mean that you are a bisexual.

    Maybe you've just seen what is beautiful for you on them. Don't give anymore interpretations about what you are feeling.

    Who do you want to be with in the future? Man, or Woman?

    Think about that :)

  5. Most people are bi- to a certain degree.  Psychological studies (Kinsey's?) revealed that very few people, only around 3%, say that they're exclusively hetero/homosexual in their thoughts.  I don't know where you live, but most major cities have a GBLTQ youth hotline that could offer you some help.  As to what you should do about your attraction to your friend, that's really up to you.  If you're attracted to her, say it privately and see what she thinks.  Just be careful and ease into things.  It's not really a should I, shouldn't I question - there's no right or wrong thing to do.  Its up to you entirely.  Good luck!

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