
Is it possible i was wrong? could i really be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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We have been ttc for a few months now and this was the first month i have ever felt any symptoms-everyone is like its probably pms-but it wasnt-idont get like that before a period ever.

well what i thought was af came and went very quickly a few days ago-i know temps rise afterwards but mine went WAY up.

i am still bloated,b*****s a little tender and seem bigger,pants all of a sudden are very hard to put on,nipples leaked something,gassy,heartburn, occasional mild headached, fatigue.

I combined the cycles 1 and 2 and it almost looks like what i thought was my period is an impantation dip.

Also some ovulation calenders said I should ovulate august 4, looking at my chart, do you think they were right?

Please give me your opinions on this-I am going to the dr next week but would kinda like an idea now.

I am disregarding the temp on the 19th because I had the fan blowing on me when I woke up and was freezing.




  1. usually when women who are ttc, then begin to feel symptoms and feel pregnant, but sometimes thats not the case..if you think about it so much you can actually make yourself and body think you are

    but in your case you have alot of what could be pregnancy, i would definitely say you are...but why not take a home pregnancy test to make sure then if your not sure have the doctor test you

  2. I know you're desperate to get pregnant, but the more you hype yourself over it, the more you might project symptoms that are really just normal. Last month, I was five days late. Felt gassy, crampy, bloated, and just overall gross. But I started my period.

    So it's possible you're pregnant, but also possible you're not. Why don't you test to be sure?  

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