
Is it possible if Kiki.Lala getting married with Ginduras?

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oh..m soo blush~

will their kids (m using 'their' as i'm too shy to use 'our' heee~) will be cute like the motha or will be 'sewel' like the father?

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may crab bless y'all yow~




  1. am i invited??? is food served??? what s menu???

    oppss back to ur Q ... who cares what their look or behave like.. they are your kids...u shud be proud of them..

    now back to the menu!!!  what what what.. crab curry???

  2. mission possible...when?? where?? i'm invited or not??

    kids aaa??...

    it's same like chromosomes la... kiki + cute and gindy + sewel...'s going to be:

    kiki + cute or kiki + sewel or cute + sewel or kiki + gindy....

    i prefer the sewel cute one....that's where the term 'cun giler' came from....

  3. Cute like you but botak and sewel like him...................

  4. May crab bless you two.. your children will have both ur qualities.

  5. hey! how about me? that good times we have together?


    it is like blending something from u and something from the gindi. so one pair of chromosome for each level. they will have to pick to express themselves. too bad for the hair if ur child choose the one from the dad (if he is the dad) but it will be something great to have the mother's eyes.

  6. impossible is nuthing kak kiki.

    i think your children will be as sewel as you and as cute as gindy.


  7. They will be cute little sewels.

  8. Yes ...Kaki Lalok with Taukeh Ganja.....and the kids will be extreme cute but please not botak as their daddy.....

  9. anything possible dear...

  10. everything is possible

  11. ^

    ohh kiki...

    i didn't know you've got a crush on gindy...

    lets just hope your kids will have hair..

    btw, ask gindy to change his wig ba....

  12. your child maybe like this -------->

  13. fuh ... after a week ... i think i misses lot of interesting gossips here ... ok all the best ... kiki lala ...

  14. what im so sure your children will cute +sewel + sewel = cute sewel2

    and your weeding ceremony will be the most crazies in the world

  15. hahaha....

    gindy, please change your wig before you getting married with Kiki.Lala..

    Kiki.Lala, please make gindy tall and thin baby!


  16. perasan cute!!!

  17. oh i thought you're going to accept Garumi Phantom's proposal to be his second wife...hehehe...he said he bought 2 rings ma...

    "extremist" mana yg t/d aku ni.... (lol)

  18. I'm not quite sure what sewel means, is it like jewel?

    Hey, "Don't marry him, **** me"

  19. never mind with their looks...every child is a gift sent from haven.. lol!! i'm more concern with their names though....

    gindulala the frog, daughter of gindy and kiki, or

    kinky the crab, the son....


  20. May crab bless them then. I just hope I'm allowed to sing at the wedding.

    The kids will be as cute as Kiki

  21. If you marry Gindy then you'll also become sewel... children will come out sewel-bewel... then make yammers sewel-mewel... good sewel-aewel idea ! Lov it.

  22. Oh darn.. i have no chance anymore haha.. btw.. both you looks cute together lah..hehe

  23. yeah

  24. so confusing la... anything la as long you all hidup bahagia sampai anak cucu...

    err...who's the Gindy that sent me an email the other day ! ayoh ! main kayu 3 ah !!! hehehe

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