
Is it possible my hormones could still be screwed up after IVF?

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I went through one IVF and one ICSI cycle back to back, both failed. It's been 7 months now and I have never come back to a normal cycle. I was always 28 days never fail, now I'm 26, 31, 30 28, 29 days and very moody, tired and water retention before and during which I never had before IVF. I thought I would wait before going to the DR again but wonder if anyone knows if it's normal for your body to still be experiencing problems so long after.





  1. yes

  2. You are describing myself! Yes. It takes time. After everything you put your body through they get pretty p.o.ed. I have gone through 3 IVF cycles back to back, all failed. I remember after one failed cycle I got 2 periods in one month and then my next was early. My last cycle was in March and things are still not totally back to normal. I was always 28 days without fail too. Sometimes I was early sometimes I was late. Also, AF would come for a really long visit after a failed cycle and now she doesn't stay long as long as she used to :) TMI but my b*****s used to get so sore when I ovulated and that stopped until this month. I am not so tired anymore, but I really was for a long time. Also, my belly get really bloated after I eat and drink. I used to be thin as a stick! I've talked to many other IVF vets and they have experience similar things. I'm sure everything is fine with you too. You may want to phone your RE for some peace of mind.  

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