
Is it possible that America,Canada and Mexico can make an agreement so we that we can all be one country?

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Is it possible that America,Canada and Mexico can make an agreement so we that we can all be one country?




  1. lets all hope not.

  2. Not possible, unless canada and mexico want to join the USA becoming states.

  3. Why would we want to?

  4. Possible, yes, probably, no. incidentally America had taken possession of all of Mexico after the Mexican American war of 1848. They returned most of it because they did not want to be "polluted" with Mexican blood and culture. Given the way the typical American feels about non-white immigrants even today, this will never happen.

  5. Ask the New World order gang , you can start with Bush and Clinton

  6. It is unlikely given the social, cultural, ethnic differences, etc. that the three countries would ever be able to unite into one country.  However, it may make sense, from an economic standpoint, that the three countries form a relationship similar to the European Union.  Given the resources of Canada and the United States,  and Mexico's low cost labor pool, the three would be very competitve in the global market.

  7. Why stop there?  We'll just unite the whole world.

  8. Indeed why would we, America, want to? America would wind up squandering our resources supporting a third world country (Mexico) and a do nothing nation (Canada).

  9. That would be interesting, can you imaging having Chiapas as th 51st state?

    Can you imaging the homophobic hate of the Mexicans towards g*y people rioting in San Francisco?

    Can you imaging the actual president of Mexico being a governor and saying that the Mexicans would do any job that the blacks won't do it?

    Can you imaging having french as a 4th language after Spanish and Chinese?

  10. Canadians, Americans, and most Mexicans don't want to, but our wishes mean very little to the mega corporations who've already planned it out.  It looks like we will all be on common currency within the next 5 years, and our security forces (armies) will be joined together.  If that's not a merger, I don't know what is.  Google "Security and Prosperity Partnership", "North American Union", "Amero", and "NAFTA".  Try to avoid conspiracy sites (though they seem to have gotten this one correct), there's plenty of info on legitimate financial websites and in the independent Canadian and American media.

  11. America is a continent, not a country. Canadians are too educated to tolerate a fascist government as the one that prevail in the Usa.

  12. Yes, but why would we? (and by we, I mean any of the three)

  13. only an idiot would want the three country's to merge if they are Americans as our standard of living has fallen so far now what the h**l do you think would happen to it if we were merged with Mexico who is a 3rd world country that has never been able to move forward because their people have been so crooked , I am referring to the politicians who have stolen the wealth from their country with no 2ND thought, don't we have enough corruption in America now with out asking for more?

  14. Another question you might ask regarding this is how that union would be in accordance with your constitution and autonomy.

    I believe that it's inconceivable in our lifetime, because it demands an enormous work negotiating between your countries.

    While you're at it, why don't you just apply for a membership in the EU? I bet that would be much easier :)

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