
Is it possible that Buddha could have been a prophet in Islam?

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There are many prophets that haven't been mentioned in the Quran.




  1. Yes, Buddha was a prophet of Allah send to correct Barahmans who were deviated from the teachings of Krishna (also a prophet). There is plenty of proof that Budhha was himself beleiver in ONE GOD and he preached the same. Today's popular belief about Budhism about its nature worship and non-existance of God is partially correct. Even today, though idolators, there is a deep desire to worship a supreme being. Even in contemporary Buddhism, it is wrong to say that none of the Buddhists believe in God or gods.

    I suggest you to read the following article on the subject:

    PS. However, it is wrong to say that Buddha was a Prophet in Islam.

  2. A new age spiritual leader used to say that all prophets are Buddhas, but not vice versa. Buddhas are leaders that teach enlightenment, not prophets appointed by God. Enlightenment is the result of self-exploration and personal endeavor, not the revelation from God. Buddhism has holy figures, but not a God.

    So, the spiritual leader's logic holds, but not yours.

  3. And We sent some Messengers whom We have already mentioned to thee and some Messengers whom We have not mentioned to thee - and to Moses Allah spoke at great length (4:164)

  4. I am not sure that buddha ever interreacted with the middle east and would not have been known.Besides, he was more of a philosopher than what we consider a prophat.

  5. As far as Quran says:

    And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allâh (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Tâghût[] (all false deities,An-Nahl 16:36

    So, I would say that may be Buddha was a messenger. But if he was a messenger then he was sent for that time period only. He was not sent for all of mankind. It is Prophet Mohammad PBUH who is sent for all of mankind.

    21:107 (O Prophet?) 'We have not sent you except to be a mercy to all mankind:"

    Hope it answers the question.

  6. If Buddha taught that there is no God and that we can be reborn as animals or plants or somethign like that then he is not a Prophet of God. Anyway, read the apparent biography of Gotama and you will see his begining was far from Prophetic.

  7. I certainly agree with Somebody Else, Buddha definately went through trials like many prophets and suffered great loss until he became "enlightened." As usual he was placed on a pedestal, as if the wisdom came only from him and not Allah. I believe that it was a great possibility. Many weren't mentioned in the Quran and most weren't successful. Allah knows best.

  8. Buddhism and Islam DO have similarities. The quran and the Soviet constitution have similarities if you wish to compare them favourably ignore the differences. If you learn Buddha's teachings, you'll learn they're very un-Islamic.


    1. Don't worship anything. Truth comes from within. Muslims worship Allah. Truth comes from outside since Allah created truth.

    2. Say worshipping an all-powerful God is a deluded act, based on good intentions which only leads to more delusion. Muslims worship Allah and say this makes you wiser and more in tune with the truth each time.

    3. Preaches non-violence and doesn't give reward even for self-defence. Islam allows violence only if it's by Allah's rules for the cause fo Allah and get rewarded for it.

    4. Doesn't allow animal sacrifices. Islam requires animal sacrifices.

    5. Says that heaven is unsatisfactory and not worth aiming. Muslims say going to heaven is the best place and can't wait to go there.

    6. Says not to follow what others tell you if it goes against your own heart and logic. Islam says to go against your own heart and logic if it conflicts with Allah, because Allah is wiser than you and his rules are perfect.

    7. Says that heaven and h**l are impermanent. Muslims say they're permanent.

    8. Say that god has just been around so long that he thinks he's all-powerful and all-wise but he has many human frailties like anger and jealousy which means he's not worth worshipping because he's unenlightened. They consider god deluded and this is why most people don't accept him because they see his frailties; Buddhists consider him like a spoilt child wnating attention. Muslims say god is all-powerrful and all-wise, all-merciful and absoutely perfect. He is the creater of the worlds and is in full control of everything, worthy of worship and deserving the highest possible respect. Mocking god is only mocking yourself because he is your creator and to him all things return.

    9. Says that asking forgiveness for sins from higher powers and having guilt is unhelpful and useless; karma naturally affects everything regardless of what you think. Muslims ask forgiveness 5 times a day and feel feel bad if they've offended Allah. Allah is forgiving and most-merficul; karma doesn't affect him because he's too powerful to be limited.

    10. Buddhism requires you to question and doubt your religion which leads to insecurity in some Buddhists; the quran says not to question what has been made clear to you leading to greater security of faith for Muslims.

    11. Buddhism doesn't punish apostates as it encourages free thought. Islam punishes apostates, thus condemning free thought.

    12. Buddhism is against the idea of prophets and prophethod. Buddhism says such people are charletans and exploiters of the ignorant, whose self-delusion is so much that they may even truly believe they're receiving messages from god. Islam says it's the unbelievers who are deluded, and relies on prophethood and prophets because they're the medium god uses to speak to people to lead people out of delusion. Islam says prophets are perfect people, the highest ideal of a human being, to be role-models for all humanity.

    13. says the most perfect man Siddharta Gautama abandoned his wife and while they were alseep without even saying goodbye and this is ok behaviour. Islam says this is irresponsible conduct and the prophet took more wives to care for them rather than abandon them.

    Buddha's teachings are pretty different to Islam and it's hard to imagine Buddha's words could be twisted that much as they reflect the ideas and philosophies of India during that time.

  9. NO he is NOT .

    Reading what he said about the existence of God and the afterlife shows he had no revelation from God .


    He said

    "'Suppose there is no hereafter and there is no fruit, no result, of deeds done well or ill. Yet in this world, here and now, free from hatred, free from malice, safe and sound, and happy, I keep myself.' This is the second solace

    If God controls everything, then there's be no suffering, and if someone says they know the true God, then do a miracle in front of Buddha and he'll believe in that God; but noone could. Buddha also said if God controls nothing, then God's not worth worshipping and makes life meaningless.


    From the above you'll know that he  is not sure of the existence of God and if a miracle was performed infront of him he would have believed and he doesn't know if there is heaven or h**l ( a reward or a punishment )


    - He believes in reincarnation not resurrection .

    - I see his teachings as  teachings of a philosopher and a psychologist no more , no laws like in Islam .

  10. No absolutely not

    Allah (s.w) sent all the messengers for only one reason to call people to Allah's worship

    which Buddha didn't

    Even lots of his teaching can be good. But he is not prophet              

  11. Salam for you my dear Shakila I think it is possible that Buddha was one of so many prophets who were not mentioned in the Qur'an. Buddhaism was older than Christianity and Islam..But it maybe just like Judaism and Christianity the genuine monotheism was misled by dirty hands so the related religion just considered not in line with Islam.  

  12. We'll never know!

  13. if a man leave his waif in wedding night he can not be a prophetet

  14. Dear,

    Assalamu'alakum Wrahmatullahhui Wabarakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

    Buddha was at About 500 years before Jesus Christ (Isa Al-Masehi a.s).

    There's NO possibilty that Buddha could have been the Prohet in Islam.

    Please bare in Mind that the only Prophet in Islam is Prophet and Apostle of Al-Mighty God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is the one and only Prophet Muhammad Sallallahhu'alaihi Wassalam. There's NO Prophet of Islam before and after him. Islam started at about in 610 A.D where the first Divine started and ended at about in 632 A.D when the death of Prophet Muhammad. Sallalahhu'alaihi Wassalam.

    Thank you.

  15. The Qur'an specifically sayss that there are many prophets other than those who were mentioned, so it's certainly possible that Buddha was a prophet. Of course there's really no way we can ever be sure.

  16. Yes it is possible. Many of Buddha's sayings are the same as hadiths and the Bible sayings of Jesus. For example, "To know the self, you must go beyond the self", read the Dhammapada.

  17. maybe, u will know in the hereafter

  18. No. Buddha is the 9th avatar of Vishnu. An incarnation of Brahman. There are currently discrepencies within the Hindu faith as to whether or not Buddha was in fact the 9th avatar of Vishnu or not. From my understanding, there have actually been many accounts of Buddha residing on earth as the last being Siddhārtha Gautama. Now, after him there shall be no more Buddhas. But Dali Lamas whom shall always be incranates of the former. That is why many consider him to be holy, for they aknowledge him as the last Dali Lama. And when he physically departs, they shal search to determine whom is the next Dali Lama.

    Buddha was in no way, shape, nor form a Prophet. Prophets are Messenger whom teach and remind of what is and what is to come. To teach about your Lord and that which is a binding covenant. Buddha taught no such thing, yet his teachings and the morailty is something that most can learn from. If they actually chose to even attempt to learn. Buddha taught about what plagues mankind (sufferring&desires) and how to seek spiritual awareness, escape karma (samsara), and reach eternal bliss (nirvana) or as many other accept to reach supreme reality. Which is Vishnu. He never claimed to be a Lord. People themselves instilled that dogma. Yet at the same time, Buddha never went against the existance of any Lord. [and for any whom say it is haram to speak of one or more Lord, there are many that exist. Allah even speaks upon them in the Noble Qur'an saying that those whom you have taken as Lord shall deny worship on the Day of Resurrection and you shall meet Allah Alone. Or how Allah says amongst you there are those whom will say that He is 1 of the 3 (trinity). Say nay, He is Ahad. Meaning Allah is not one of the 3 in truth. Yet I shall not deny the existance of such because it exists].

    His teachingd revolved around the 4 noble truths. Which are (1)Life inevitably involves suffering (2) Suffering stems from our desires [Allah also says, have you seen those whom have taken thier desires as Lord] (3)Suffering cease if desires cease (4) You can achieve this by folowing the 8fold Path (to enlightment). They are Right Thought, Right Effort, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Understanding, Right Speech, and Right Mindfullness, and Right Concentrating.

    If one were to apply this to Islam, it can definately help them. I was told a hadith by a loved sis one time that the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said that if one was to seek knoweledge they would also travel to Asia to seek it. Not worded exact like that, but around the premise.

    But no, Siddhārtha Gautama was and is no Prophet. He is the Buddha. A Prophet is a Prophet. To list some Prophets not in the Qur'an would be people such as Nathan(pbuh), Lamach(pbuh), Methusela(pbuh), Nimrod(pbuh), Daniel(pbuh), Isaiah(pbuh), Hosea(pbuh), Ezekial(pbuh), and so forth.


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