
Is it possible that Caylee's DAD has her? Maybe his "death" is a lie too?

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80% of me thinks Casey killed Caylee. The other 20% thinks there are other theories. question is, has it been PROVEN Caylee's dad is dead? What if this happened: Casey met with Caylee's dad, in private, day after fathers day. The dad talked her into letting him keep Caylee for a couple of weeks. She went on with her life, having good time at parties (hence photos) and thought her baby was safe and sound with dad, whom she had just found again. Then, the day Cindy Anthony found Casey was the day Casey found out the dad was keeping her and he would "hurt her if she talked". Now she needs out of jail to figure the next move. Ok, don't hate me, it is just a theory I have. *shrugs*




  1. It would be a blessing if the little girl is somewhere well, a HUGE blessing from God.

    Suppose what you guys have commented--that she is OK and with the father, is true . . . then are we to think Casey is, 24/7, putting on the act to protect Caylee??  Her behavior seems pretty weirdly too consistent in my opinion.  In her favor, however, different people can show reaction to the same stressor(s) and/or trauma(s) differently.

    She might also be consistent if she doesn't care that much about being a mother or that the child is gone.

    The flurry of calls she was making on or about the 17th of June to mother, and possibly father, seem to call attention, but like Greta Van Susteren said, one could look at her (Greta's) cell phone and see a flurry of calls and it wouldn't necessarily mean anything.

    The gas can thing bothers me, and the partying about 5 days after Caylee was last seen also.  And that she lied to the police about where she was supposedly working.

    The gas can thing goes possibly to character.  We could give her the benefit of the doubt as to why the a) gas can and b) partying and c) lying:  let's say she may be waaay bipolar or something, and was manic.

    If it were not that she was manic or on drugs or something, then think about that it wouldn't have been necessary to "whoop it up" and look that happy in the photos just to portray that everything's okay. Nor would it have been necessary to lie to the police about where she was working for the same reason.  But I suppose we shouldn't assume Casey thinks of everything, or thinks clearly.

    What about the roommate of her "boyfriend" (is he?) who said something like everything had seemed fine for about a month that she was with them and she seemed like a good mother, but seemed to lie alot.  What about that (at least last I knew) she didn't seem to be doing much to help the police, at least from their perspective.  So to explain her suspicious behaviors by assuming she might be protecting the child . . . it would seem possible one might try an act for a time under those circumstances, but it seems something would give after awhile, unless she is a sociopath, and sometimes they talk also (Bundy).  Can she be that naive to think she could keep lying and playing people off and that the police wouldn't figure out something's up and that she can just go back to her life later?  And if let's say the father theory is viable, he'd have to be not too bright to think that no one at any future point would get a location or line in on him and snatch the girl back, report it, etc., or that someone wouldn't ask questions about why he now has his daughter.  It looks to me like if he wanted time with his daughter, Casey wouldn't have hesitated to arrange it.  And then with all this publicity, he would have come forward, or someone would know he's alive somewhere.

    Back to the theory, it seems to me she might have been around long enough to reason that (if the father is alive and he isn't from what I've heard) threatening harm to her or the child, etc., and taking the child, would be reportable behavior with consequences . . . that the police could help right the situation if she opened up and that the media wouldn't have to know all the details, if any.  No offense, but it doesn't seem logical that the father if alive would suddenly pop up and want custody.  But let's say for the sake of analyzing, that he did.  Isn't that in itself enough reason for her to be a little in shock or on the down side 5 days later . . . if she loved her daughter and being a mother.

    I might be reading into it, but I've looked at the little girl's expressions.  She never to me seems to look genuinely happy.  Yeah, she's smiling somewhat for the pose, but it never looks like she's joyful.  On Father's Day, she was playing with a book, shaking her head "no" and I've wondered whether it was mimicry of how she's treated.

    It's hard for me to imagine that Casey has been that concerned.  Just listening to her tone, how she talked to her mother, her brother, and her friend (to her friend sounding like such a smart___ saying it was a "waste" to call her), her calling her mother and cussing from jail.  I don't get that she's feeling that sad, because so much of her behavior seems inappropriate if she were to be truly said, worried, concerned.  I would guess she's quite manipulative.  You know, there are families of sociopaths, a doctor once told me.  There could be a bit of something off with all or most of them, but her brother seemed genuinely concerned.

    If Caylee isn't alive and Casey knows it, It's still hard for me to think she out-and-out murdered her daughter.  I'm more inclined to think of other possibilities like neglect, or punishment as one writer wrote, or an accident someone suggested, that resulted inadvertently in death.  I'm getting the sense that she is not much affected, just by all that I've seen and heard.  If it's truth that she's not that affected, then she might have been what looked like a "good mother" but her heart may not have been in it, and bad things can happen if a parent isn't diligently watchful.  What about that pool in the grandparents' yard?  It was that yard where the cadaver dogs (2) hit on scent, and they are trained NOT to hit on food or animals or anything but HUMAN decomposition.  Why the shovel?  If Casey was emotionally wrapped up with her new boyfriend, and/or not liking being a single mom or whatever, or if she is a sociopath, she could have been negligently or purposely not watching her daughter well, and then possibly in a moment something happened.  Then she could have gone to thinking why spill the beans now; it wouldn't bring her daughter back and she would possibly face more jail time.

    Her affect is striking to me.  The lack of appearance of distress, like in her voice.  I think it's the absence of that that makes me lean toward thinking she might have some guilt somehow.  I wonder whether she was always keeping up appearances with Caylee, from the beginning??  It's entirely possibly she didn't want to have a child or at least not then (true for many people who also adjust and come to love their child and like being the child's parent), but a sociopath will get rid of people in their way.

  2. I don't know if her father has her or not.  Let's hope so.  You can easily keep track of the case using   It has a special section of Caylee Anthony links (mostly to local Orlando news outlets covering the story, where you get the most in-depth coverage).

  3. Maybe

  4. that's a good possibility.

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