
Is it possible that God exists outside of time and space in a higher plane of existence?

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I believe in the concept of parallel worlds and multi-verses. Is it possible that the reason why we as humans cannot physically interact with Him is because He exists in a higher plane of existence that unfathomable to any mortal?




  1. Of course it is possible.  But there is absolutely no reason to think that it's reality.

  2. Is it also conceivable that "god" or the being, or beings that we consider "god" could be interdimensional beings?

    Have you considered the idea that we are simply an ant farm gone wild?

    Just thought I'd add some more questions for you to ponder, because in the end... no one knows, and no one is right and no one is wrong.

  3. In which case, why in the h**l would He care about us?


  4. Simple answer- yes.

    But I think the answer given that this is not really the right category is correct.

  5. No.

    Not if you are asking if there is a person in a parallel universe who can jump back and forth with this universe.

    Also why wouldn't time affect him? Why would his area of existence be called higher or lower? Why would he need to be in two separate universes? Isn't one enough? You idea leaves too many questions for no reason.

  6. well, first off, this is better asked in the R&S section. Second of all, I doubt it. There might be an infinite amount of universes, but I'd imagine they'd follow laws of physics and god obviously doesn't equate with those laws. A dude who can do ANYTHING? Come on. Doing everything isn't possible.

  7. God existed at the same time and space as the rest of us, but he was nailed to a cross 2000 years ago.

  8. No, it is not possible that it exists in a science forum. Furthermore, if you do not even know if it exists, why would you refer to it as a he?

  9. Is it possible that Santa Claus really does have reindeer that fly?

    Edit:  We haven't established the existence of God or of multiverses.  Speculation about the interaction between these two would be pretty much blue-skying, and have as much value as wondering about whether Santa's reindeer are equipped with high-tech jet packs.

  10. I couldn't possibly pretend to understand the sophistication of the math and cosmological concepts that suggest some of these "multi-verses and parallel"  things.

    But one mystery that I am close to understanding is the phenomenon seen in human nature, whereby people are so quick to dismiss those who believe in a major religion, yet entertain ideas like astrology, magic, witchcraft and other occultist beliefs that are substantiated in one's conviction by mere belief!

  11. Many believe we can interact with God, and he manifests himself all about us. What I don't understand is the visceral hatred  some people manifest when you mention the word God. Here is a scientific truism; "There is a principal which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance, that principal is contempt prior to investigation."

  12. If i were God id be laughing at mortals right now.

  13. A) science has NOTHING to say about god or where he is

    2) there is no god, the question is m00t

  14. well, this is just my theory, the big bang theory was under gods control, he had put us on earth to see how long the human race would last on the planet with all its resources,

  15. There never has been any proof of any kind of god.  There is plenty of proof that mankind created their owns gods because of fear of the dark and the unknown.  And by the way, what is on the outside of this universe?  Any universe?  Is there an outside?  Will this animal species, located in an arm of one galaxy out of trillions, ever have the intellect to figure it out?

  16. First, you seem to imply that god exists in the first place, and that he can interact with -- and therefore must have presence -- this universe, since he allegedly created it, right?

    Basically, to disprove your statement, one would have to show that there is not other "plane of existence". Which by your criteria cannot be done since we are limited to our OWN plane of existence.

    So, let the burden be on you: you prove the existence of another plane, and then I'd believe in it.

    And at that point, this question does NOT belong in Astronomy and Space, it is a religious one.

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