
Is it possible that God will lose this chess match with the New World Order scientists?

by Guest34296  |  earlier

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Is it possible that God will lose this chess match with the New World Order scientists?




  1. God does not lose.  Scientists work with equations that are an approximation to the real answer.  In theory, it will be this way but in experiment it will be a different solution every single time.  The human race will always be inferior to God.  Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God

  2. careful now - if you continue to pick a fight - yours becomes a god of the gaps.

    different realms.

  3. Maybe He'll have a better chance at winning now that Bobby Fisher  is hopefully there to help Him.

    I really don't know much about the New World Order.I wish you'd give a link about it. Thanks.

    Edit..OK..I'll leave a link about it myself!!

  4. What does NWO have to do with anything?

    I believe faith will eventually have to relinquish its authority in the scientific arena.  Science makes no claims to anything that isn't observable so, unlike religion, it never strays outside of its area of expertise.

    Because its the perfect shelter for irrational and fanatical extremists, religion will always produce enemies of science.  The violence such people use against their enemies is evident every day.

    I have no doubt that should reason fail us the religious will do what they have always done--violently suppress science, education and enlightenment in the interest of authoritarian religious control.  One need only look to the theocracies that currently exist in order to see what happens when the secular gives way to the religious.

  5. No.  I think he'll 'go for the gold', so to speak, now that the great Bobby Fischer is a goner.

  6. only if people loose faith

  7. Nope, good way to ask it though.

  8. History is on God's side.  I honestly think that when the NWO thinks they have it won, something will come together that will knock them all on their collective secret society butts.

  9. I doubt it, I dont believe in the New World Order Scientists. I think they are just made up to scare people and make them easy to control.

  10. nope God!! will never lose for he is the maker of all things!! man kind will be the ones to lose !

  11. That's an interesting way to ask it...

  12. I guess I could answer this question better if I had ever heard of a "New World Order" scientist. As there really is no such thing, no "chess match" is taking place.

  13. One day there will be enough evidence to show the non-existence of god. Until that day, we have to endure the status quo.

  14. no

  15. he does'nt play chess,, what scientists your in the wrong line

  16. god is much more powerful than we think he is... trust me

  17. Hmmm... It would probably be difficult against an opponent that can change the configuration of the board, the color of the pieces, and control all of time and mass at will (God).

    I don't think any scientist (or group of scientist) have that ability. So, I suppose the game would depend on everyone playing by the rules (How do you cheat against an all knowing God?)

    On a level playing field God might choose a champion (Bobby Fischer) and a New World Order champion (Garry Kasparov) then at least you would have a great chess match.


  18. well  hwo could god loose?  since his definishion is all powrfull?  all knowing?

    he just gives  them anoff rope to hang themselves:)

  19. lol, I answered this question because you mentioned chess and I LOVE chess... in this world he will, but not after we die... the bible says that real christians are hated by the world.

  20. Yes, mostly because I don't believe in him.

  21. The result of the game had since been determined some 2000 years ago, those who don't know what NWO is all about, read Book of Relevation in the Bible... you might then be able to piece them together.

    9He who has an ear, let him hear ...

    16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

    18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast...

    Rev. 13:9,16-18

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