
Is it possible that I am intimidating guys?

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I'm 17. ok warning in advance i am not trying to brag just trying to give the facts.i am 5'10",high school senior,smart (over 4.0 gpa),shy around new people, not popular at my new school but i was in junior high. according to others, i am"very beautiful,pretty,etc." and appear "confident" someone told me that "guys are afraid of approaching beautiful girls so they are afraid of me because i am so beautiful." i constantly see guys staring at me in public but they never approach me. i feel like i somehow intimidate guys for example there is this one boy in my class who i sat next to and i asked him a question and he appeared really nervous and was like stammering but i have seen him talking with really beautiful girls at my school and he didn't do that. also, there's this one boy who stares at me whenever he sees me,this has been going on over a year,but he hasn't approached me. what am i doing thats scaring them? i've never had a boyfriend,never been kissed,etc. so what do i do?




  1. Whilst it is true that beautiful girls do scare men it could be possible that you are giving out "keep away" signs and are appearing to be unapproachable.  This could be due to shyness or nervousness.  Be open an friendly to girls as well as guys.

  2. Talk to him and be more friendly to people. Even Miss universes have husbands, boyfriends, and friends. Come on!

  3. All women intimidate men. It doesn't matter what they look like or how smart they are; men do not want to be rejected or look stupid in front of women. That's a universal fact.

    That said, being tall intimidates a lot of men, even tall men. And if you're prettier than most of the other girls around you, that adds to the intimidation factor. They think they're not good enough and there's no way you'd ever look at them... only laugh.

    AND ... if you have brains on top of that, yes, that's intimidating. But don't ever play dumb. Don't be anybody but yourself.

    It's sometimes not easy being tall, pretty, and smart. It's sometimes lonely! Guys are afraid and girls are jealous of you.

    Once you get older, it gets easier, but there will always be men who just can't bring themselves to approach you for fear of being shot down. That's their problem; don't make it yours.

    Be always be yourself. Develop your own confidence and your own interests. Make good friends and exercise good judgment in dating. The right guys will approach you. They may not be the tallest most handsome fellows out there, but they'll have confidence and know that they have something to offer. Take a chance, but again... exercise good judgment.

    Hope this his helpful!

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