
Is it possible that I can begin training for becoming a pilot? I'm 13 years old.?

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I am 13 years old, 1st year high school , in the Philippines




  1. Don't know about the rules in the Phillipines... Every country has their own rules on age for training.  In the USA, you can start at any age, as long as you can pay the fees and find an instructor willing to work with you.

  2. First off, it is WRONG that it costs $30,000 to get a private pilot's license.

    However, it MAY be right if you start as young as you are now. You will be wasting time and money, as you can only advance so far before you turn 16. In the meantime, you would be spending all your money staying current.

    I would start when you are at least 16 1/2 or closer to 17, because you can solo at age 16 and obtain your private pilot's license at 17. If you fly twice a week you could potentially be licensed in less than six months.

    It likely will only cost you ten or twelve grand, but if you are motivated and a quick learner it could be much less than that.

    Also note that this applies to USD and US regulations. I don't know anything about flying in the Phillippines.

  3. In the US you can solo a glider when you're 14.  However, there's PLENTY you can do now.

    Buy Rod Machado's Private Pilot Handbook  There's a CD version at his website ( but it's considerably more expensive (plus, it's a good idea to take notes as you read and you can't do that on a CD).  I've been flying for almost 25 years and this is, hands down, the best book for new pilots on the market.  It's also relatively inexpensive - $25.

    I also highly recommend the Sporty's DVD courses:  Before I started my instrument training I watched their instrument course 6 times through from start to finish.  I BREEZED through instrument training due, in large part, to the training these videos gave me.  Think of it as having the best instructors in the US at your fingertips.  Money well spent.  Spend the next several years immersing yourself in aviation.  Buy a FAR/AIM and start reading.  Study part 91 of the regs.

    If you read a chapter in Rod's book each week, watch a Sporty's video each week, and spend an hour or so each week in the FAR/AIM you are going to be so far ahead of the others it will amaze you.

  4. You can start at 13 but you can NOT solo until you are 16... and getting a private license costs about $30,000 these days.

  5. It is a big waste of money to start before you are 16.  You need to talk this over with a local flight instructor.  If you are really interested, there is a lot of reading and study you can do over the next three years.

    Good luck.

  6. In the US, you can start training anytime, but cannot solo until you are 16.

    Have no idea in the Philippines.  Good luck!

  7. Sure...check with your local instructors...ask what you can do to get a jump on the other guys....they will be glad to help.

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