
Is it possible that I gained a pound overnight?

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I weighed myself first thing in the morning on Tuesday. Now, the past few days I haven't eaten anything unhealthy, but last night I had a really nice dinner. I weighed myself this morning, and the scale said I gained a pound, but I have still been exercising.

Is that just water weight?




  1. you can gain 8 lbs overnight how do ou think people gain weight

  2. Not to be vular but did you p**p? Food has weight and if it is still in you then that will affect the scale. Each a pound of hamburger and you will gain a pound. That is why it is recommended that you weigh once a week OR weigh each day at the same time and take the average.  

  3. Yeah that is probably water weight and you need to get over ONE POUND! Thats stupid and pretty ridiculous to be freaking out over just one pound. It would be another story if it was 10 pounds. Get used to it and go puke in the bathroom one more time

  4. it's probly just water weight  

  5. water weight. dont worry its just a pound.

  6. Ever hear of water weight, I've dropped 10 pounds over night once

  7. yes

  8. You might be sleep eating. Is there anything missing from your fridge

  9. It probably is just excess waste in your system.  This is why it's counterproductive to weight yourself daily.  Try once a week at the same time every week.

    You could gain a pound in a day, but you would have had to eat a lot of food.

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