
Is it possible that Russia and US can be at war if Russia doesn't stop its assault of Georgia?

by Guest57895  |  earlier

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I heard the president speak yesterday and the president warned that Russia should stop the Assault of the Georgia city and capital or their relationship will be in jeopardy.

If they don't stop the Assault of Georgia and the relationship with the U.S is over is it possible that U.S can face war with the Russia?

If the relationship is over with Russia can the US face another war with the U.S making the U.S citizen more afraid?

Why is U.S keeps budding on people problems and why should U.S keep interfering in other countries warfare?

What relationship do the U.S have with Georgia.

Please explain i am feeling most confused.

Thanks it advance.





  1. Russia is trying to make a point. While I am not a supporter of the Russian govenment or its invasion, I can understand the reasons why.

    And it all has to do with NATO and the missiles in Poland. Russia is getting ready to go toe to toe against the USA if the USA doesn't stand down on its NATO ambitions and missile defense. If the missiles go up in Poland, don't be surprised that Russia will force the issue with nuclear warheads aimed at the USA from across Cuba, again. I guess the other question really is, what is George Bush thinking? A new cold war against a country fat with oil to sell and our economy in disarray, is not going to go well for the U.S. taxpayer.

  2. you should read or watch the news that tell you the truth, all of you believe what Bush wants you to believe...your propaganda is playing you like a harp!!!

  3. We are putting all are apples in the f-22 and the super hornet and we need a variety of fighters to go against what the russians have are f-16s f-15s and f-14s are too old!.

    The composition of the Russian Air Force is estimated by a number of sources to be as follows: 90 strategic bombers, including 16 Tu-160s (Blackjack) and 74 Tu-95MSs (Bear); 124 long-range Tu-22M3 (Backfire) bombers; 20 A-50 early warning aircraft; Su-25M close support aircraft, Su-24 (Fencer) tactical bombers and Su-34 (Fullback) fighter bombers totaling 800 planes; 725 MiG-31 (Foxhound), MiG-29 (Fulcrum), MiG-25 (Foxbat) and Su-27 (Flanker), including Su-27SMKs, interceptor fighters; around 300 An-12, An-22, An-124 (Condor) and Il-76 (Candid) airlifters and Il-78 (Midas) tanker planes; 650 Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-24, Mi-26, Ka-50 and Mi-28N helicopters. In addition, it has 1900 anti-aircraft missile launchers, including S-300V, S-300P Favorit, S-400 Triumf and other systems.

  4. That will never happen, we don't have the resources now in hand to stop Russia. The US wants Georgia only for a possible missile launch site against Russia in the future. The same way the Old Soviet Union wanted Cuba to have nuclear weapons to hit the US in case of war. And if you remember the US did not stand for it and we had the Cuban Missile crisis that almost started WW III. If you look at it Russia is only doing what the US did back in the 1960's by protecting itself.

  5. i think the u.s. could handle it but russia would get its *** kicked

  6. It's all about oil, my friend.

    You better believe the U.S. and Russia can go to war over it.

  7. Georgia is a US protectorate.  The US provide funding and training to the Georgian military under the pretense of preventing Islamic terrorism along their border when instead it buys them a US friendly ally on the Russian border.  Georgia is a pawn on the US's team in the global game of chess.

    Georgia started the conflict.  They attacked peace keepers and Russian citizens in South Osettia.  The Russians entered South Osettia with a view to protecting it's citizens and pushing the Georgian military out of the territory.

    Russian did not start this conflict despite what the biased US media tells you.

  8. Hi!

    I still hope that war is out of the question. However, Eastern European countries hate Russia enough to do everything in their power to stop the Russian expansion. And that is dangerous, because Russia does not respect any country in the world.

    US is not buddying with Georgia. Georgia is an ally of the US and is normal that the US are an ally of Georgia. Georgia's problems are US's problems too, because the problems Georgia faces are due to the fact that it's our ally. It's normal we help them out.

    I hope I answered your questions.

  9. If you can not understand the danger to the USA if Russia is able to conquer all its former Prisoner States, then it would be impossible to explain it to You. From your statements, it appears that your mind is already made up about this building crisis. I sincerely hope that you are in the minority!

  10. Have you heard the latest? Russia is installing missiles in mexico.Does that sound fair? If we can install missiles in poland,why can't russia put them in mexico? We wouldn't allow it, right. just as we didn't allow it in cuba.Putin feels treated,so they are doing the same thing we would do.Will there be war ? In  words only.With the type of weapons the world has in it's arsenals, any country would be a fool to start a war.These weapons are for a last resort only.

  11. I do not think we would get in a war over Georgia with Russia. Even if we could afford another war, which we can't, I can not see us risking war with the "Soviet Union", (OK it's not the "Soviet Union" but they still have nukes, although I doubt it would come to that.)The problem is there is oil in that region, and oil pipelines to the west and if that is cut off there could be a huge problem, more possibly for Europe than us. We have a war going on, in Iraq and Afghanistan,(I do not think it is 2 wars, but one, just as WWII was one war, even though we fought Japan and Germany on different fronts.) But whether it is  one or two wars, another war would stretch resources way beyond the breaking point. The exception would be if there was some kind of attack by Russia, either on American soil, like a terrorist attack or if the Russians  went after American troops in the Mideast;  directly or if they used a surrogate, like an Islamic group to attack us. (That sounds more like the old Soviet Union) In that case I think we would have to forget the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and concentrate on Russia.

  12. I don` think Russia is going to continue. It`s only a bit of action to see how U.S. Military acts.

    It`s all because of the state Georgia broke off with Russia has got rich oil and resources. USA  and NATO are very alert about the act, it`s also about their interest there.

    Poland is opened up it military old base once under the control of USSR during cold war time to USA for service in order to exchange the shield missiles  and updated their military front for protection of their home soil and border.

    Would it be good to create so many enemies?

    This is a serious problem that must be taken in second thought for the


  13. Not likely war over just Georgia. Many other isses are bound to take place before a war between these two countries. Another big issue is America's missle defense system in Eastern Europe. However, these two things alone are just annoyances. I'm sure this is only the beginning though.

  14. yep  if Russia doesn't pull back that is what eventually will happen.

    The us cant join alliances and then not back their alliances when there in need.  We would expect them to back us if we were in need.

    everyone going to say its none of our business and war is bad.  But if we let countries just over throw govermments then when it happened to us people would still criticize the us for not doing anything.  Either way your not going to make everyone happy.

    Whats Cuba going to do point missals at us again???Then well tell them again if they dont take them down there will be no more cube.  come on guys you cant launch a war from a refugees raft from Cuba.  

    Why would the us listen to an ultimatum

  15. No that would be MAD Mutually Assured Destruction

  16. Russia has stated that if the U.S. puts a missile defense system in Poland it would be looked upon as an act of war and the use of nukes would be justified.

    The question is if they do would they use small tactical nukes on military bases and other world targets or would they use their large ones on major cities.

    I am guessing that the 2012 theory may be shot to heII.

  17. Possible but not probable.

    I don't think the Russians are really ready to go to war over Georgia.

  18. The US won't go to war with Russia and vice versa. It's taken too many years to mend fences between the two countries.  

  19. OK where does this notion comes from that Russia is bothered about anything Bush says. Bush literally has no influence over Russia or Europe. Literally!

    No defense secretary Robert Gates has made it clear, that there will be no military intervention. It simply isn't possible. You think Russians will take that lying down, Chinese on their side. Putin has revolutionized Russia, it has modern army and weapons. It is one of the main suppliers of weapons.

    Russia has frequently rebuked US. Putin gave Bush a choice it's project or relations with Russia. The hysteric talk literally has no impact on Russia rather on the international stage Bush sounds pathetic.

    The relations will simply depend on what happens next, how things progress. If US puts a defense shield in Europe then you can bet things will go sour. Russia has given US an ultimatum then Russia will strenghthen ties with Cuba.  

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