
Is it possible that Saiful is performing Taqiyya?

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because he thinks that if he does not do so, BN will lose and muslims interests will be threatened?

Similarly, isn't it also possible that another fellow muslim could think that Saiful is threatening the intergrity of muslims and therefore must be stopped with another Taqiyya.

So when is the lying ever going to stop since islam allows muslims to lie to defend islam and its so EASY for anyone to want to THINK that his/her lie is to defend islam.




  1. he is trying to bring anwar down

  2. Dear MLP,

    Nope, because Saiful is Sunni Muslim, not Shia. Real Islamic teachings doesn't allow taqiyya UNLESS your life is endangered if you are proclaiming your faith. If Saiful lied, then he simply lied and God will judge him accordingly.

    Islam's successes was never built thru lies. As if my answer has any value to you anyway.

    Edit: SIMPLY asking? The long details under your question doesn't imply that you are SIMPLY asking. So the answer is still no for SIMPLE reason, taqiyya to defend own purpose is not part of Islamic teachings and Islam was never defended by lies.

  3. political talk

  4. I don't think saiful is lying,I think he just want to defend itself.

  5. It's time to take your medicine, FATiMah.

  6. He is doing it to get Anwar down with politics and election

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