
Is it possible that a 6 year old gurl can have a 3 year old child???

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i mean ma friend told me dis && i really dont believe her...she said it was on da im jus makin sure if itsz true or not




  1. no, a women needs to get her period (menstrate) before she can have children.  A 3 year old child does not menstate.

  2. Do they not teach english anymore in school? What is possible is that you and your friend are meant for eachother..

  3. There was a 5 year old who had a baby but not a 3 year old that I'm aware of.  The 5 year old had a medical condition where she started puberty shortly after she was born.

  4. you are idiot. what's your age. email me

  5. There was alittle girl from Peru who delievered a child at 5 years old.  very sad, since it obviously involved rape.  She had a disorder that allowed her to do so.  She started getting b*****s at 2-3 and period at 3.  Very very sad.  Just google 5 year old has child and you'll get it.

  6. r u for real? i doubt it come on commen sence

  7. well i think  the gurl was 7 but yea it really doessnt make a diference and yeah thats young

  8. shut up!! your taking the p**s!!!

  9. That's ridiculous, are you the most gullible person in the world

  10. I thought i heard somewhere like there could be a chance of that happening like when they were born but i don't believe it one bit.

  11. not unless shes had her period when she was like 2.

    yuh gotta have yur perioddd

  12. From your spelling I would assume that you are also 6?  Get real.  That means the kid was 3 when she gave birth so 2 when she got pregnant.  Seems like the diaper would be enough to protect her!  A 2 year old couldn't even carry a baby to term if she wanted to.  She would be too small.

    I see you must be bored =)

  13. "ma friend, dis, da news" ! ! ! In what language are you writing?

  14. The "6 year old girl" may be a leapling (born on Feb. 29), so that means she may be 24. Its impossible for a 3 year old to ovulate.

  15. Wow, a pregnant 3 year old.  I missed that news story!  That's certainly impossible...thank God!

  16. No, that's called super precocious puberty.

    there are some reports though of that happening-a 5 yr old name lina was the youngest mom ever to GIVE BIRTH. wow what sick person does that to a child???

  17. Not likely.  The youngest mother on record was a 5 year old in Peru.  She be at least 8 by the time her child was 3.

  18. NO freakin way! Thats rediculous! How can yo NOT see that?! That would mean a 3 year old baby gave birth at 3 years old! Thats not possible. Omg...

  19. errrrrr... NO

  20. youngest girl on record was a 5 year old.

  21. No a 6 yrs old cant have any type baby or child unless you are talking about a baby doll.

  22. it's not true.  it's impossible.

  23. _Anything_ is possible, however the probability of such an event as you describe is not very high.

  24. Your friend is an idiot if she believes a 3 year old child can have a baby.

  25. no highly impossible! even if it was possible it more than likely wouldv'e killed the 6 year old girl.

  26. Take a look at this link, I don't know if I believe it.

  27. No.

  28. if child could have baby, i would wonder who in h**l would have done this to 3 yr. old. i would take him out back and shoot him.

  29. nit-wit

    learn proper english!

  30. There is a true story about a girl from another country that did in fact get pregnant at age 5 and did deliver a healthy baby. She had some sort of hormone problem and started getting her period at age 3. Look it up

  31. So does the 6yr old pick up the 3 yr old from the daycare/babysitter's house? ROFL!!!

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