
Is it possible that albino mole men live in the sewers behind my apartment building?

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I could have swore i seen one last friday when my friends cat went missing, i was sitting on my balcony drinking some pop, when i seen a shadowy figure reach out and grab my friends cat and then disappeared into the sewer enterance, i have been in those sewers when i was a kid, someone said there was a dead body down there so me and my friends climbed down there to see if we could find it, what we seen down there was kind of cool, the newer sewers connected to some older tunnels that led into larger man made caverns that later i found out were old basements that were covered over when the apartment block was put up, they tore down some of the old heritage houses that could be fixed up, and just plowed them under leaving the basements still there, anyway i think mole men live down there surviving by eating stray cats and dogs.




  1. don't they live next to the alligators?

  2. I recall seeing this exact same question word for word before a while back. Maybe I am psychic or something.

    If I recall correctly, the last time I read this was right after watching that episode of south park with the crab people entitled "Metrosexual", and that influenced my answer.  

    So just imagine a really clever comeback and a south park episode quoted as a source.

  3. If you did indeed see a shadowy figure it's more likely to have been a deranged derelict that an albino mole man. I know of drunks and drug addicts living in places like abandoned basements and sewers.

    Remember also, the eyes and mind can play tricks on people. Actually, other people can play tricks on people too. Either way, keep a close eye on your pets!

  4. your watching to many creep shows,

  5. If it's possible that ghosts exist, then sure, why not? Beware the Mole Men!

    EDIT for Wushu:  crab people! crab people! crab people! crab people!

  6. Not Possible, I have all the Albino mole men Locked up my Zero Point module. Wait, the door is open, who let them out . what?!! Who's there , no... Back.., Back I say. You will regret this ...., ARgghhhhh!!!

  7. That is simply not possible.  All the albino mole men were wiped out in the late 60's when radioactive mutant alligators developed hyperintelligence and invented a pulsed-muon synchrotron weapon, a weapon so devastating it was able to rip apart the albino mole men's hyperdimensional tachyonic force screens.  Luckily for us, Buffy the Vampire Slayer was able to kill the alligator queen and steal their sacred cheese amulet so they have been in total disarray.

  8. I'm not sure who you call in Canada (but some sort of police officials) might be a good idea. I lived in Houston, TX for a while that also has some limited tunnel/sewers but they were mostly occupied by drug users and vagrants. Not sure what you saw but anything from a very large rat, big stray dog, or sicko people could kill and eat cats and small dogs. Sorry to hear about your friends (and their cat's) misfortune.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  9. It's possible but incredibly improbable.

  10. how about homless people do you have them in Canada...and what are the chances??

  11. Grffnkt!  Hrghlt!  Flasn!  I TOLD you not to be seen!  Now we must use our WiFi connection to locate this "Hellbent" person and eliminate him!  All because you crave the tender, juicy taste of cat!  Next time you eat the flea collar!

  12. You are way screwed up. It's called soda. Pop?

  13. Well...anythings possible

  14. ABSOLUTELY, if I were you, I would call the FBI IMMEDIATELY. Tell them Simon saw it too. Now go take your meds, and jump off a roof.

    Where do these people come from?

  15. Sounds like a case for the X Files -- Fox and Mulder are probably begging for a reunion!  Seriously, write a rough draft with your storyline and send it to Chris Carter who was the principal writer of the series. (If you do and they buy the idea, I'll be your agent for only 8% instead of the usual 10%.)

    Oh, and I believe what you see might be true -- you won't catch me taking my little chihuahua out after dark !!

  16. Last I heard, they were beholden to the Dark Hellbent King and were awaiting his orders.

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