
Is it possible that alien abductions really happen?

by Guest64974  |  earlier

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i love sci-fi movies but how would one ever prove an abduction? most people would think you're nuts.




  1. Ever consider humans from the future have learned to manipulate time and are working  on/with us to prevent catastrophes--also it is quite arrogant to think we are the only species in this vast existence.

  2. Yes they happen all the time.There are hundreds of people abducted every week.In the early days like the 60"s and 70"s more people were remembering there alien abductions from today.The aliens had learned that certain food chemicals were interfering with the memory blocks.That problem has been fixed now.Only now a very small percentage of alien abductees ever remember anything about there abduction experiences.Different alien species run many genetic experiments at any given time.Some experiments are a on going experiment which may take hundreads of years to compleat though many generations of certain faimly groups.

  3. I think they do occur, Betty Hill drew a map of a star system that was undiscovered at the time while under hypnosis because an alien had drawn the map for her to show her where he came from, or so she said. I really can't think of any way that could have happened other than pure dumb luck otherwise.

  4. Well I believe they're real. For now though, until someone video tapes an actual abduction or something then it's just a myth. There were instances where people have strange objects in them or have high radiation levels that are unexplanable.

  5. Possible but unlikely.  Consider the distance involved in interplanetary travel.  It would take years to travel to the nearest star, even if it were possible to travel at light speed.  And once you get there, there is no guarantee you will find anything interesting.  Considering the size of the galaxy, the billions of stars, for aliens to have found us by chance, the odds are miniscule.  The only reason they would come in our direction is if they picked up radio frequencies, which earth has only be emitting for the last hundred years or so, so they have only reached about 100 light years away.

  6. I posted this in another forum a short time ago.

    Enjoy! ;)

    Took a while to find a legitimate posting about the announcement.,2933,3554...

    I just love the title of the paper "The Extraterrestrial Is My

    Brother". So the time must be getting ever closer.

    Since the 1770's the Vatican has spent quite a few fortunes looking

    into space. Can't imagine what they'd be expecting to see?

    I hope this means they no longer excommunicate Pleiadian Starseeds..

  7. Well let's see if WE can abduct aliens?

    First, can we take someone from their homes without their knowledge?  Yes, there are drugs and knockout gases that can allow this to happen.

    Second, can we do it in secret?  Yes, sadly it has happened before by Earthly standards.

    Third, can we hide a vehicle in the woods somewhere without anyone knowing or not too many knowing?  It's totally possible, if not highly probable.

    Fourth, can we have a vehicle that can lift off vertically?  Yes, they are called helicopters.

    Fifth, can this vehicle be silent?  It is not impossible to modify a helicopter to be reasonably silent.  In fact, there are ion levitation devices that are sold over the internet that are totally silent.

    Sixth, can this vehicle at least reach orbit?  It is possible, cause there is working being done with the concept of atomic planes.  And if designed right, they could reach orbit.

    Seventh, can this vehicle travel through interstellar space.  Not necessarily.  From the science fiction series Star Trek, the Enterprise carries small ships called shuttle crafts.  And what could be lifting off the Earth with the abductee may have been a shuttle craft and that it is docking with the Enterprise.

    Continuing #7, there have been many different propulsion systems that NASA have been experimenting with, including ion drive, fusion drive, M2P2, plasma drive, antimatter, and so forth.

    Eighth, is it possible to travel faster than light?  There has been legitimate research and real theories as not to travel faster than light, but rather to bypass the speed of light.  This includes warp drive, wormholes, and hyperspace.  In fact, string theory even supports the concept of tachyons, which are particles that can travel faster than light.

    Summing it all up, we might be able to do it with #1-6, 7 says it's not impossible for us, but #8 is currently impossible with us.  But they may have found a way to achieve #8.

    Meaning is it possible that alien abductions really happen?  Then the answer is yes, it is entirely possible.

  8. It is possible for them to happen in the future and we would know about it, I don't think it would take us long to know.

  9. It's possible they happen.  However, since there has been no evidence of visitation (much less abduction) and there are some reasonable natural explanations for the perceived abductions, I don't think it's likely.

  10. There is another theory that states the aliens are actually from earth, just from a different dimension/alternate reality.

  11. Personally,I don't think so.It's just the latest variation on an old theme.A few generations ago.We'd be having this discussion about Demonic abduction.The tales would be the same only demons not aliens would be the villains.It's just a new variation on an old tale.

    Why would aliens need to abduct people in the first place?All they would have to do is ask.Millions of folks,would volunteer in a second.Volunteers would also be better at keeping a secret.Unlike abduction victims,they wouldn't go blabbing to the Larry King.I hate to say it,so called abductees are either attention seekers or have mental problems.People who believe in abduction haven't thought it through.

  12. An answer to your question is YES.  Not only possible but a reality.  Some abducted 'humans' are given physical examinations by the Aliens and returned, with 'lost time', and some never return.  The Alien race with the big eyes and small bodies are called 'Greys'.  They are doing most of the abducting and have 'hidden bases' all over our world.  Other Alien races are here also, some working with the 'greys' but usually out of sight.  One of witch is a 'reptilian' race of aliens, usually around 10ft tall or so, with a 'wing' structure on their backs.  The famous 'Moth-man' sightings followed by the 'Men in Black' (cover-up) was one of few times they have been seen.  The 'Roswell Flying Saucer' crash, retrieval, and cover-up (more men in black) were of the alien Gray race.  Our government is aware of the abductions, allows them to happen, and even do the cover-ups when their crafts or wreckage are seen by witnesses.  The common implants abductees receive are magnetic, organic, emit a low power-high frequency signal, and use our body's electricity to power them.  Alot of information is available if you are willing to look for it, and move 'outside of the box'.  Hope this helps you to understand 'alittle' of what is happening around us, and remember that we humans 'were created in Gods image'.

  13. The problem with bringing up the complications of space travel is that it really limits the idea of visiting aliens to a human perception of astrophysics.

    In reality we have no idea what other life forms out their might be like, let alone how they evolved or what technologies they may have. Perhaps they live in some sort of stasis as they travel the stars. Or maybe they simply don't die in the sense that we know. And of course maybe they have found some way to travel space and time in ways that would just boggle our minds.

    Saying that aliens couldn't be here because it would take too much energy and time traveling even at light speed really only explains why we can't abduct aliens. It only suggests why other aliens might not be able to do the same to us.

    Are alien abductions possible? I think so. Do they really happen? Well while I have seen some "evidence" on tv I think if anything credible was ever discovered that it would have been the headline news around the world.

    That said suppose that some alien beings are capable of manipulating space and time to allow them to travel the stars. I think by having such technology that it would also suggest that they could easily have the ability to stay hidden from us and remain as discrete as possible.

    One way to look at it is from the point of simple psychology. When studying human behavior, espeically on adults, its best to do it in an environment in which they do not know they are being watched, otherwise they behave differently. The same is true for certain other animals as well.

    So if I were an xenobiologist from another planet trying to study life on Earth I would want to do it in a way that would be as non-evasive and as covert as possible. Reasons being because if humans were aware of the aliens they would behave in a way that might affect my tests.

    The question becomes... what happens when some such aliens WANT us to know they exist - just for their science experiment or whatever agenda? Pandamonium in my opinion.

    Lastly some think that human existance, as crazy as it might sound, is the product of alien manipulation. Alien abductions today would be not unlike them tagging and observing us as we tag and observe wild animals (kinda creepy to think like that though). So in that sense.... maybe the X-files are on to something? :-)

  14. Check out this youtube video..


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