
Is it possible that an Alien Species is time backwards?

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Is it possible that there is an alien spiecies that percieves conciousness and records memory backwards in time? I.E. born in the future, die in the past, and have their memories go in that direction too.

Or does the law of Increasing Entropy make that impossible?




  1. well maybe.

    maybe it doesn't make any sense to us in this dimension.

    but maybe in some weird, twisted dimension or universe.. it's possible

  2. You are trying to break a three-dimensional time frame (past, present, future) in which is not possible.

  3. Possibly  

  4. You could conceivably have an alien that perceives its life this way. It would not be able to actually go backwards in time, it would merely organize its memories in a fashion that made it seem like the later memories were actually formed earlier. It would gain new memories in the same order we do, but its brain would simply append these memories to the beginning of its life, rather than the end. However, it seems to me that this would be a huge evolutionary disadvantage for an intelligent being, and I don't think it's realistic that any naturally evolved alien would be like this.

    Alternatively, scientists (and, more commonly, science fiction writers) have theorized that there might exist particles called tachyons which act like the particles we know save that they always move faster than light and lose energy as they accelerate. Tachyons would theoretically experience time backwards from how we know it. If tachyons existed (none have ever been detected), and if they can form into intelligent beings, such beings could reasonably be expected to experience time in the opposite direction. However again this is a very far-fetched idea and it's unlikely we'll see anything of this sort very soon.

  5. Yep, it does.

  6. no, that's not possible.

  7. No, because time exists independently from any hypothetical space aliens and has properties that don't depend on how aliens perceive it.

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