
Is it possible that caffeine would have a reversed side effect on some people?

by  |  earlier

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when i drink anything with caffeine in order to stay awake i actually fall asleep , it possible? why? and if so what are the things to drink in order to stay awake?




  1. It is not only possible, but substantially likely!  I have been a drinker of caffiene(initially coffee) since age 10. My grandmother used 2 take me in 2 the IHOP in Milwaukee and get me coffee which I would flavor with pancake syrup(my fave being blueberry). Despite my early intro 2 coffee, I hit 6'1" @ the age of 14. I began drinking coffee in earnest when I was 19, consuming multiple espresso shots on a pretty much daily basis. Some years l8r after consuming thousands of shots of espresso, I discovered the french press coffee maker. Hallelujiah!!

    I actually sleep better after a good strong(only kind I make) press of coffee.



  2. yes my friends has ADD and caffine actully makes him tired!

  3. I have a brother-in-law who drinks coffee right before bed or he can't sleep.

    At one time they were studying if giving coffee to kids with ADD and ADHD helped because it allowed them to focus their energies that were otherwise going off in all directions.

  4. The same thing happened to me as well. Apparently when you drink a certain amount of coffee-let's say 3 cups-everyday, your body gets used to it and after a while the body pushes the threshold higher. So if u're drinking less than the treshold you feel pretty sleepy.

    I pushed 6 cups a day in March, now I'm trying to cut back and it's soooooo hard!

  5. yes, i have knowen a few people that ingest coffee and are out like a light in an hour or less, they have told me its like nyquil for them.

  6. Ya it depends upon your body nature... It may show adverse effects...

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