What is oil? It is countless dead things that once roamed the surface of the earth. To be more specific, it is carbon that once played a role in earth's life cycles. Over time a vast proportion of it became locked up in the earth's crust. You might say that life cycles were decaying, just as the second law of thermodynamics predicts. Enter man, like a honeybee, pollinating flowers, he unlocks these vast stores of life giving carbon, replenishing the earth.
History is pretty clear on the matter. It is widely accepted that in prehistoric times carbon dioxide was substantially more plentiful in the atmosphere. At these times, there is no question life was thriving. Our planet was able to support the largest creatures to ever walk the earth.
People who promote the AGW theory are grossly ingnoring the live giving qualities of CO2 to our own peril.
Why were CO2 levels so high in the past. Simple, there was more in stock. Further, it was not the cause of the warming, but rather the result