
Is it possible that mccain the insane chose a women he had not properly vetted as a benefit to himself?

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or is he so out of touch that, if he knew there were some personal problems with this woman, he felt they would simply fade away.

Will women voters be more on the side of palin no matter what else comes out about her? (and there is more)




  1. I don't know why or how he decided to select her....but I'm glad he did! Palin is just the gift that keeps on giving! God, I hope she hangs in there long enough for the debates.  

  2. Highly unlikely scenario. My answer: NO.

  3. McCain is a risk taker, unfortunately flying by the seat of your pants can have consequences, in picking V.P. candidates, and in running the country, not to mention plane flying (I heard he wasn't very good).  Right now I'm feeling mad at McCain for choosing someone with an issue that's distracting us from the many issues we're facing.   He and his people had to be really out of touch if he didn't think this would be a distraction in a Presidential race.  

    While I don't think he decided on this as a benefit to himself, it's possible that it may benefit him, in that the average person may get disgusted with politics, and not vote (Republicans like to depress turn out).

    This was McCain's first Presidential level decision, and as far as I'm concerned he blew it.

    I certainly don't want the election to be about this woman,              

  4. Very much possible.

    The guy is not only old but constantly medicated.

    He has been operated on, as a POW and as a cancer patient.

    The guy's in pain and not thinking straight.

    This is NOT the guy you want as the President of the United States.

    He needs to take a long rest.

  5. Just because you don't know much about her doesn't mean she wasn't vetted.

    Everyone has personal problems. McCain has accepted her faults because of the benefits she brings.

  6. Well, I am now certainly concerned about who he might pick for cabinet members.

  7. Let's see, you're probably a Democrat right? The party that includes "everyone."  The liberals who are "understanding" and "inclusive?"   Pap.

  8. You answered your own question. McCain is indeed an insane and brain damaged warmongering degenerate who belongs in the nut house not in the White House.

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