
Is it possible that my 15 month old wants to potty train?

by Guest58883  |  earlier

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Ok moms- my daughter is only 15 months and I'm getting the feeling that she is interested in potty training. She always comes in the bathroom whenever my husband and I are "going" whether the door is closed or not- its like she has bathroom radar- no one goes without her. She likes to hand off toilet paper and is very interested in the toilet and how it works. She seems like she is getting sick of her diaper. She tries to take it off all the time and during those brief moments before she gets in the bath or between diaper changes when she runs around naked- she is peeing and today for the first time pooping on the floor. (seriously like 2 minutes tops!) She hates putting her diaper back on. I understand that she is a toddler and she doesn't like to sit still but this has just started within the last month or so...Do you think she might be giving me signals that she wants to pottytrain or am I just wishfully thinking?? Any suggestions or anyone go through something similiar??




  1. I doubt she is ready to potty train...she is simply trying to figure out what it is you do on that "chair" she hands you the toilet paper because she has seen you get it.  She takes off her diaper because she doesn't like having a wet or S****y diaper on.  She likes to run around naked because babies are BORN that way.  I have yet to see a fully clothed baby come out of a woman's uterus.  When she starts wanting to sit on the toilet then she will be starting to get ready for potty training.  I do have one suggestion...before you sit on the toilet, let her see the plain water in the toilet bowl, and before you flush let her see what is in it.

  2. She's more interested than my son is! My son will sit on his potty and put toilet paper in it and say "pee pee" and wipe himself lol but he still doesn't care if he has a dirty diaper. I was told by other moms to wait until he doesn't like the feel of a dirty diaper. Seems like she's ready. Have you gotten a potty chair for her yet? Get one and just start by placing it in the bathroom first just to get her use to it and then start a schedule. I would get her to sit on it right when she wakes up, after meals, and right before bed. And then, after a week or so, take her diaper off and see what happens. Try to find heavy underwear instead of pull-ups. It's going to be messy at first, but that's just how it goes! Good luck!

  3. yes I do those are all the sings . My son was a little older than that and he told me he wanted to use the toilet and he been going ever since. So I would go for it get her a potty and I would make a chart with stickers and every time she goes she gets a sticker. I tryed buying my oldest a new dinosaur every time he went and when he got all the dinosaurs he thought he was done and wouldn't go any more and he was 4and a 1/2 before he was trained. I told all my friends that I was going to start my daughter when she started crawling(she only 3 months now)

  4. I have 3 kids, and all were potty trained before thier 2nd bday.  My oldest was potty trained fully ( threw the nite) at 18 months.  That is unusual i know, but it can happen.

    I would suggest letting her sit up on there with you.  introduce her without pushing.  If its no longer fun than she wont do it.  I would just sit her on the pot and read her a book.  if she pees, great, praise the heck out of her.  If not, thats fine too.  

    but definatly introduce her. :)

  5. My son was very interested at that age so I bought a potty and always had it around when he didn't have a nappy on. I gradually taught him in stages, such as sitting on it, then weeing etc so when I decided it was time to train properly at 2 years and 4 months it took a week because it wasn't really anything new.

  6. you can see how it goes, but dont be disappointed if she loses interest. the u.s. actually has the latest potty training age. most countries have babies potty trained by 18 months, so it is possible.

  7. She seems a little young, but i would probably give it try to see if she's comfortable with it.  They sell those cute princess toilets now she would probably enjoy her own little potty.  It might help her to "go" in the toilet more often :0)

    If you could get her started early you get 2 thumbs up!!  Better for you and her later.  Have Fun ;0)

  8. Definately! Start now! If you ignore that she's interested in potty trainging it will be so much harder potty training her when you're ready for her to be trained! Help her to get  familure with the potty! Also, when she poops or peeps on the floor immediately take her to the potty and sit her on there and tlak to her about it. Good Luck!

  9. Until relatively recently, they used to start them training at 1 year old - so if she seems ready you might as well give it a go.

  10. of course, she must be very smart and her going with you all the time helps too. work with her, the sooner the better. she will probably start talking and doing other things early as well, kids are so smart these daughter is 16 months old and is doing the same thing, she hates diapers, she takes them off but she had peed beside her potty a few times, it takes a while to know the feeling when the need to go but keep trying

  11. try potty traning her and if she  does not like it tell her " u either can use the potty like a big girl or wear a diaper like a little girl"

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