
Is it possible that my 3 y/o could be depressed?

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My husband and i have been seperated for about 4 months now, this past week my husband has not been able to spend as much time with our daughter due to work and gas prices, etc. She has been acting out fighting with me about going to see him, she gets mad at me when we don't, this week she had 3 accidents and she has been potty trained for 6 months with no accidents, and when i left her in daycare this morning she started with the "mommy don't go" to just sitting there sad with tears streaming down her face. I have also been going to school, so i haven't been around as much as well, but i try to spend as much time as possible. Could she be suffering from deppression?




  1. She is suffering from abandonment. She is three years old and her daddy is gone, now you are dropping her off and leaving her. She is afraid you will both be gone and not have any parents to love her. She is frightened, I suggest family therapy even though you are divorcing and have your daughter with you on some it not all of the sessions. She need to know both parents love her and that they will be there for her. The lesson you and your ex husband need to learn is to continue be united as parents even though not in marriage.

    Good luck.

  2. You already know your answer, she's missing her parents. Whether you want to label it as clinical depression etc and go the whole round of torturing her with child psychology visits etc is up to you, but come on, you KNOW what's up with her, and much as you dont like it and dont want to face up to it, you and hubby just cant pass this off to someone else to be responsible for just by re-labelling it!

    You knew when you had her that she would change your lives, so get on and make that change for her sake. Her little life is way more important when you have a good look deep down inside than your hobbies, your work or even gas prices! When you have kids you have to sacrifice. Dont tell us you didnt expect that or see it coming? So, all that remains then, is what do you sacrifice for her sake????

    By labelling her depressed, you want toget her treatment to "cure" her of needing you around so much so you can carry on with your own lives. It wont cure her, you'll be twisting her away from her absolutely normal reaction to being abandoned.

  3. Take her to a child psychologist if you want to know, oh and to the guy above me, go ask your parents to diagnose you since they are psychologists, you CAN'T fly

  4. Take her to a child psychologist;...

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