
Is it possible that my cat is depressed?

by  |  earlier

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This is not a joke by the way. Anyway my cat came indoors yesterday and seemed normal, he ate and then came upstairs, but he didn't try to find me which worried me, and all he was doing for 5 hours straight was sit on my mum's bed (not sleeping or anything) staring at himself(my mum's got a mirror at bed height) and today he's not much different. At the moment he's still in my mum's room but in a ball (again not sleeping)

I think he may have worms (his haunches are all thin and you can feel bones) but he's eating normally. If it is worms could it be that which is causing this behavior, as far as we know he hasn't had worms before, (he's a 5yr old neutered, short hair.) But we have had a cat before that showed all of the same symptoms but she didn't have worms and her 2 sisters had just died, but i don't think any cats Sparky is friendly with have died, and i don't think his mum has died (she lives over the road) Do you guys think it's worms that's causing this or depression or something i didn't think of??




  1. Yes it is! My cat did the very same thing!   I had no idea cats could get depressed! I took her to the vet because she was eating very little, hid under my bed and didn't hardly move at all. I thought maybe she was sick or dying. Nope!  My vet said she is just depressed and charged me $100.  

  2. could be worms, see a vet.

  3. It's probably not depression, your cat is probably sick some how. If your cat is outdoors there's a possiblity he could pick anything up, so worms are possible, or something worse. He's prob sick and you should prolly bring him to the vet if you can afford it...  

  4. If your cat is not behaving normally the best thing you can do is take him to the vet for a complete check up.  The earlier you diagnose a problem, the greater the chance that you will have a positive outcome.

    Good Luck!

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