I'm stationed in Germany and have to go out to the economy to a German doctor. So the whole language barrier sucks sometimes even though my doctor does speak English.
but anywho ~ As of today(wednesday) I'm 34 weeks. But heres the problem. For the past 2 days now I have been getting these period cramps that feel like I'm about to start my period and they just keep on getting worse. When they do stop, i'll be fine for a while but than my lower back will start to hurt and than the cramps start up again. (getting really annoying)
Well let me explain a few things before i ask my question: when i was 31 weeks i went and saw my doctor and he told me that i'm having a big baby. she weighed 4lbs and 6 oz and was 44cm (17.3 inches) well here i've been thinking that shes just going to be a big baby because i've read some books and at 31 weeks the baby is suppose to be around 3lbs and 16inchs. And my doctor told me that I was 31 weeks but that baby was growing like a 34 week baby.
SOOOOO now that i'm getting these cramps and feeling a whole lot of pressure down south, i was wondering if it's possible to have your period while being pregnant? I ask this because my doctor is going by my last period. Well, I had 2 periods in december. One on the 5th and than one on the 26th. So my doctor went by the 26th. BUT if he would of went by the 5th, than i would be 37 weeks now (not 34) and the size of my baby would match up with a 37week baby. SO, is it possible to have a period while pregnant? and that the doctor could be wrong?
And anyone have any advice on how I should bring this up to him? my next doc. appointment is the 30th but I'm thinking I should call him and see if i can come in earlier just because of all the back pain and cramps. : /