
Is it possible that my puppy knew that my rabbit was going to die?

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My puppy has been whining a lot lately and I couldn't figure out why. But my rabbit died yesterday and while I was crying about it I heard him whining, too. He really liked my bunny. Is it possible that he knew that the bunny was going to die?




  1. I'm sorry to hear about your bunny, I know what it feels like when you lose a pet,its hard..

    Yes your puppy probably could sense that something was wrong with your bunny,dogs are good about sensing things that are wrong

  2. Poor bunny! So sorry your wabbit died but it is more than probable your dog 'knew' something was wrong. Dogs do have this ability and some have smelled cancers and impending convulsions in owners and are actually used as kind of warning dogs, amazing huh! Lovely that you all had a strong with each other so best of luck to you and your puppy x  

  3. Very, VERY much possible! dogs have this sort of sixth sense thing, and some experts say that they can even somehow "predict" or ' feel' an earthquake. :) your dog is cool!! sorry bout your rabbit though...

  4. I think so. Dogs have very keen at sensing things. They often react in advance to a storm or natural disaster and they're very in tune to the energy around them. The dog and rabbit were friends the dog thought of the bunny as part of it's pack. He will likely go through a mourning stage but it will adjust to the change.

  5. yes, he knows whats happening.

  6. Yes. Actually there is a really good chance he knew. I was watching a show where this dog could tell when people were about to die and he would spend their last few days with them. A vet came in to the nursing home and told them he didn't have any magical powers. It's just that before we die we give off a certain scent and the dog picked up on that and the first time was intentionally praised. I don't know if animals give off that scent but they might and your dog could have known what it meant and was very sad.

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