
Is it possible that pet snakes have escaped and living wild in Ireland?

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Is it possible that pet snakes have escaped and living wild in Ireland?




  1. Probably not. The climate in Ireland isn't really suitable for the survival of the kind of snakes that people often take as pets. If it were one of the snakes commonly found in the UK, then perhaps an escapee could survive, Irish and British ecologies and supporting fauna aren't all that different.

    But it isn't likely that a wild population could become established. There aren't enough escapees to make it likely or even possible that two of the same species would meet and mate.

  2. It is possible but very unlikely. I was watching a DSPCA programme that was on RTE a while back where a woman found a snake in her kitchen cupboard and had to call out an animal warden to remove it. They concluded that the snake was a pet and escaped. The warden said it was a very unusual case. The environment in Ireland does not provide a suitable habitat for snakes so I wouldn't worry!!

  3. Good God, I hope not. I have a morbid terror of snakes and would drop dead if I saw one in the wild, never mind in the house. The ambulance would have to be called, and even at that, I doubt that they could resuscitate me!

  4. Quite a few snakes have escaped but without exception they have been recaptured or have died.  It would not be possible for them to live here as our climate is so different to any snakes normal environment.

  5. Nope, we kill em all. We take our saints and their wishes seriously here. We are kind of sniffy about allowing the ones in the zoos, but as long as they are not actually crawling around and being smug about their freedom I suppose we can tolerate it.

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