
Is it possible that the creature found recently in Georgia is indeed "bigfoot"?

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Is it possible that the creature found recently in Georgia is indeed "bigfoot"?




  1. Did you hear the latest on this - It was a rubber ape suit in the ice chest - no joke.  The big foot society that made a big deal out of this is going to take legal action against the hoaxsters.  LOL!  

  2. No.

    One of the guys involved has been caught hoaxing before.

  3. Well with all this terrible war and fighting going on i wouldnt be suprised if bigfoot woke up and said ENOUGH!


  4. First off the news media is very quiet about this find... Can you think of any reasons why the news media won't say fact or fiction... I know that the big-foot creature is very real..... And I believe that this is a fantastic find............................

  5. No, lol.

  6. What a silly question. Of course its possible. The question is, is it probable, and the answer to that is, how are we supposed to know. Wait and see the DNA results.

  7. I saw on CNN the other day that they got the DNA results back and it was not a real Bigfoot. Sucks.  

  8. Not a chance.  If they had really found a dead Bigfoot creature, they would have taken many, many photos - clear ones that would leave no doubt in anyone's mind.  It's a hoax for sure.  

  9. I read the DNA was 97% opossum.The last one of those i saw had small feet.

  10. Probably not, but if a true Bigfoot turned up somewhere it might cause a wild sensation but I don't think it would be warranted.  Other creatures we know about today, such as the Chinese panda, were once in the category of mythical creatures.  If you lived in the 18th Century and had visited China and seen a panda, people in the West would have looked at you like someone who has seen a Bigfoot today.  If a Bigfoot were actually discovered, eventually humanity would settle into the reality and the Bigfeet would be considered normal.  

    It is a little creepy how they walk like people though.  Makes you wonder if you shot one would you be committing a murder?

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