
Is it possible that the human race could be descended from another life form if so...?

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That would explain infants born prodigies, people having the ability to levitate and all the sightings of UFO’s that have been reported could it be that we are rejects from another life form




  1. Haven't you heard?... The human race evolved from the remains of a gortpig sandwich left as litter after the spacemen from Alpha Centuri had a picnic in prehistoric Africa.

  2. there are already 2 good answers here.  I just want to know how you think your premise could explain child prodigies, levitation, and UFO sightings?

    There is no logical connection, to me.  What a weird question.

  3. Get this, the vast majority of biologists and other scientists are conviced of the fact that humans descended for another life form. In fact, the theory has been given a name: Evolution.

    I'm willing to entertain the notion that people came from aliens, but no one has yet provided a method to how they turned into us. Why would it explain child prodigies and levitation? Why were such "powers" lost in the first place? What kind of evidence do we have to support any of this? Is he evidence to support the alien idea better than the evidence to support other ideas?

    This is part of how scientists come to conclusions. They ask reasonable questions.

  4. You're totally right. Humans are an alien experiment gone wrong. What scientists don't know yet is that dinosaurs never actually became extinct. They simply evolved to what we now call "greys." Greys left the Earth because they could not survive in this thicker atmosphere. They required more oxygen than Earth had to provide for them. Before they completely left, they crossbred a primitive monkey that looked like a modern day lemur with a lower form of alien called "shintana." The product was homo-habilis who eventually evolved to become modern day humans......good question.

  5. i would combine happy and r-guy's answers.  It may be fun to think about, but withoug rigorously-developed falsifiable predictions based upon the hypothesis its really just all for fun.

  6. No.

    There's WAY too much evidence of our descent from other critters, including our DNA which has much in common with other life.

    We're on the way to understanding prodigies; there's nothing extra-terrestrial about them, they're brains are a little different.

    People don't levitate.

    There have been no credible UFO sitings.

  7. From the point of science, your hypothesis is possible, but highly unlikely.  Based on current evidence, it violates two basic principles of science: relying on sense evidence, not conjecture and faith, and Occam's Razor.

    Current evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that humans evolved on this planet over millions of years.  We share DNA with many other species, most notably chimps (over 98% of their DNA is identical to ours).  We have a pretty darn good fossil record of human evolution considering the constraints.  This theory fits biology, geology,. archaeology.  It's beautiful.  Overturning it is going to take a lot of compelling evidence to the contrary, evidence that we just have not found.

    Now, you could easily say that the aliens planted all of this evidence, and that's your right.  If you're saying that because you believe it could have happened, but you have no evidence, then it violates the principle that science can only make hypotheses and theories out of evidence from the five basic senses.  If you can't hear, touch, see, smell, or taste it, or develop machines that allow you to do so, then it's outside of science.  This is why creationism is not a valid scientific theory, nor is Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.  Those theories rely on faith or feeling, which is not allowable under scientific doctrine.  It's fine to believe that if you like, but it's not science.

    Then, of course, there's Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is usually correct.  Maybe, you say, the reason there's no evidence is that there's a worldwide conspiracy to keep our extraterristrial origins from us.  It's thousands of years old, and there hasn't been a big leak yet.  Okay, says I, but that's insanely complicated.  You would be asking me to believe that humans, who can't keep a d**n secret to save their lives, have kept this from other humans for millenia.  Also, they have hidden all the evidence of UFO landings and contact with our mother race so well that those claims that do come out are pretty easily dismissable.  Not only that, but either that mother race brought an entire planet's ecosystem with it, Noah-style, or they genetically engineered existing species so that it would look like we should fit in.  Either all of that complicated hiding and engineering and secrecy, or we just evolved here.  Based on that, probably the latter.

  8. Have you personally seen anyone levitate in an open field, or even a large car pak? Thought not! How would your hypothesis fit in with the closeness in physiological structure, and DNA, of the chimpanzees and humans? Get real!!!

  9. Descended from God.

  10. Ok, I'm going to answer this question in a serious, not mocking fashion.  I'll do this by painting a picture.

    Look at human civilization and consider how far away we are, from a technological standpoint, of being able to clone human beings.  We might not be as close as we'd like, but i'm willing to bet that if experiments were allowed to continue - that at some point - we'd able to perfect the science of cloning humans.  Now bear in mind, when I say "clone" - i'm talking about the body only, i'm not talking about the mind, because i don't believe there will ever be any way to transfer consciousness - that's above our abilities (in my humble opinion).

    Now let us also examine the notion of space travel.  Although the space age is only yet in it's infancy, it would seem logical that at some point in the future (however far off that may be) we'll better hone our abilities of space travel and be able to go much further and faster, vehicles occupied with human inhabitants as well.  

    Let's put those two concepts together.  At some point in the near distance future - human civilization having both, the ability to clone humans and space travel in an effective manner.

    Now, is it that inconceivable to imagine the human race, travelling to other planets and planting the cloned seeds of other humans - to see how they develop, to monitor them from afar, whether for scientific reasons or for altruistic reasons.

    If you can envision the above scenario, is it then that difficult to imagine our current state of human civilization as, in fact, a by product of the above?

    I'm not trying to say that i believe or disbelieve the above - but if nothing else, i believe it's some interesting food for fodder.

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