
Is it possible that the skulls and skeletal systems of the "missing links" were just.....?

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genetic mutations among a species of humans that are much more modern?

My Creationist dad said that is what he thinks they are. Genetic mutations of normal people.

Does that make any sense at all? Whatsoever? Can someone please educate me on the bones found and what year they date back to? Also, have we ever discovered modern human skeletal systems from those time periods?





  1. Creationsim is a belief and has no real evidence for anything dealing with a scientific topic. One can carbon date and analyze much of the jaw and forehead development in "sequential motif "ways . What evidence does he have for any mutation , and for that matter what evidence that any of the Biblical epiphanies are true? A book constructed by generally scientifically illiterate people in a male dominated society which believed the earth was flat, and the center of the Universe and that demons caused disease  does not engender a warm and fuzzy feeling about those peoples' powers of analysis and critique. Brainwashing begins at a very early age in such matters and in fact questioning any such doctrine is severely discouraged.......thoughtcrime does not entail death..thoughtcrime IS DEATH   G.Orwell  1984

  2. No, it is not at all possible.  Radio carbon dating, which cannot be disputed by anyone with any sense at all, tells us these skeletal remains were tens of thousands of years older than any modern human being.

    Your dad is simply in denial.  The sad thing is that he's probably basing his beliefs on the King James version of the bible, which is mistranslated, and had many books left out, such as the gospels of Judas and Thomas.

    Ask dad if he realizes the phrase that was translated to say that Mary was a virgin actually means, in Hebrew, that she was "a woman of marriageable age".  That's a fact.   The bible never claimed Jesus came from a virgin birth until long after he was dead.

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