
Is it possible that the soil beneath my house contains ruins waiting to be excavated?

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I live in Egypt.




  1. Not unless there is a river or lake very close by your home, or, if one existed long ago there.

  2. My friend is an Egyptologist. And he said, history is all over the place. It is an ancient civilizaton.

    Is anything valuable? Probably not.

    The second thing you must ask yourself is location. Unless you are in the Valley of the Kings the most likely place for any ruin or artifact is in the Nile Valley.

    If you are in modern Cairo or Alexandria you are out on the desert in the burbs. Otherwise if you are in a small community in the valley then your town is likely thousands of years old. Heck even your ancestors very likely lived there.

    Egypt is a very special place.

  3. I`ve been in China for a while, and since it has a lot of history, a lot of peoples renovating their house, find artfacts when they dig a little! Thats quite interesting to see all the things they can find all over the place! Of course they are no way to control all of those findings, as they are so many chinese farmers all over the country! So I guess it could be possible that you find something around your house! But to be sure, its quite hard to know unless you are doing an excavations of the area. Which will cost you money, and if you don`t find anything, everything would have been in vain!

    You would need a sonar readings of your house area. You have two ways of doing so, hiring a specialist in the closet university or pay for a radar scan of your area made by satellites (cost a lot). So all in all, unless you dig a little by yourself to find evidence of old ruins under your house, there is little way for you to be sure it worth it!

  4. it is quite possible, i suggest you inquire at a government office.

    dont want to scare you but someoens gotta tell you the government will lilely give priortiy to the excavators not to you the homeowners.

    So be prepeared to have people disecrate your home or intrude on  your property.

    best of luck...

    Also if you want to start digging i dont see why you couldnt unless  ofcourse a team of archealogists are involved.

  5. Where is your house?

    Do you have a shovel?

    We will need to agree that you wont sue me when I bring a bulldozer there? agreed?

  6. You won't know unless you start digging (or do seismic testing) so you had better get digging or else get to know some geophysical scientists.

    PS, you might also want to contact some Egyptian historians to determine a historical probability of what cultures may have occupied your area before you start to invest your time and money into either digging or seismic exploration.  If you want to go on a gut feeling, then that is your call!

  7. Do you realise what anthropology is???

  8. Not sure about Egypt, but in America what you find on your property is yours, unless you find human remains.

    I'd say dig away, but I don't want to get you in trouble with the Egyptian authorities.

  9. Who knows, you might get lucky.

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