
Is it possible that your period cycle changes once you start ttc?

by  |  earlier

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Previously I used to have my periods within 28 days and now since we have been ttc for last 3-4 months i am having my periods on 24th or 25th day. Also I feel frustrated for not able to conceive. My inital tests usg and prolactin, fsh and lh are normal. hubby's s***n test is pending. Please all of you there pray for me. I badly want to have a baby.




  1. Try for some information on male and female issues. It helped me to conceive. Good Luck!

  2. I am also TTC (for 10 months now) and my periods were ALWAYS every 28 days.  Just this last month my period was a whole week late and I thought I was pregnant because I was NEVER late before.  I got my hopes up and took many pregnancy tests that all said negative.  My period finally came and I was so sad because I'm not pregnant.  I always thought I was regular but I guess not.  Periods can become unpredictable for reasons unknown.

    I badly want to have a baby as well, so I do know and understand the frustration you're going through.  

  3. your cycle could be off due to the fact you may be stressing to much about wanting to be pregnant, and that's not a bad thing to want a baby so much, but you do have to try and relax and stay positive good luck xx

  4. Yes it is deffintly possible. Stress can change period cycles and ttc can be very stressful. The best thing to do is not to be frustated (I know easier said then done). It will happen for you.

    Goodluck x*x

  5. Were you on birth control before ttc.  The birth control regulated your cycle now that there is no artifical hormones going into your system the issues come to light.

  6. mine have ranged from 32 to 42, and yeah its really frustrating, i have been trying for 3 months and nothing seems to work...

    try i am using it this month, if that does not work i am going to try BBT :)

    all the luck in the world for you :)

  7. As I understand it- it is pretty normal to have a fluctuating cycle length by a few days. I mapped out my cylces when starting ttc and found they varied from25-28days. I suggest using ovulation predictor kits on days 9-15 of your cycles, to get an idea of when you ovulate. You can also check basal temps every day-  I suggest the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler.  Very informative.

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