
Is it possible the consciance to "know" what kind of DNA body is being given to it for ruling?

by Guest57229  |  earlier

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If a consciance is in a body DNA - and is happy to be in it , could it be possible that there is a "consciance" matrix for DNA- or +?

I have a friend that is RH- and have never been ill more than 3-5 days and uses no antibiotics for many years. He says that his consciance/spirit and soul are very happy to have been given such body for residance ,but is in permanent conflict with many people and explains this also by - or + in blood group.-He says exchange of energy with them is conflict for him.

He is not very religious, but accepts Far East religious systems -may be some old genesis influences him, as in some regions in Asia there is the RH- as dominanta?




  1. Interesting question.

  2. I'm not sure whether you mean conscience or consciousness, but either way, the answer is no because DNA really "creates" both of these.  They do not exist before brain is formed, and the formation of the brain is directed by your DNA.  I suppose you could say that your DNA "knows" what kind of consciousness and conscience you will have because it contains the blue print for it.  Even that is a stretch.

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